Best Live Metal Act


Hoppin an' boppin
Jul 30, 2002
Canberra - Australia
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I am interseted to what your favourite live acts are. Because a lot of the big name bands don't venture to this part of the world, we've missed out on a lot of shit hot acts. Of the international bands I've seen here, I would say Kiss, Sabbath (with Dio), Alice Cooper, AC DC, Maiden, Metallica and Motorhead would be at the top of my list. I was fortunate enough to see Wasp in England which was cool as well.

We need an Ozzfest or a Donnington here:headbang:
Kiss! :headbang:

Then Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P. in the early days, Motley Crue, Dio in the '80s with those massive stage shows, Def Leppard on the Hysteria Tour, Poison, Priest's arena shows.... etc.

But I haven't seen most of them live, just on video :(
I'm pissed off that I missed Slayer here 2 years ago. Would have been awesome. I missed Voi Vod at the metal for the brain gig 2 years ago as well. Twas a bad year for me I think. Def Leppard, I caught them on a one off pub gig in Sydney in early '84. Awesome indeed. I would have killed to see Venom live though
I've seen somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 concerts in my day, and I'd have to say that the best live bands I've ever seen are (in this order):

1. Iron Maiden - they just rule
2. Metallica in 1989
3. Slayer, anytime
4. Bad Religion - they never disappoint
5. Queensryche
I only saw them once.

Would have been twice, but they cancelled a show at the last minute a long, long time ago.

Never gonna happen again either. :(

defo overkill (NO SECURITIES - feel free to stage dive, but watch out that DD doesnt beat you up).

deep purple, great live jam sessions


alice cooper

Yeah, AC DC kicked ass here last year but I was dissapointed to have paid eighty bucks and have the fucking Living End support them. What in the world is this world coming to. They should have had Dungeon or at least another local metal support. Living End, give me a break and thirty bucks back.
well dont move to austria - we dont get many gigs here as well: either the real big bands or the small bands, middle sized bands leave us all out :(

but then i wouldnt recommend moving to germany either (to many germans) or england (driving on the wrong side etc) ;)