Best looking male

"Tres tristes tigres, tragaban trigo en un trigal, en tres tristes trastos, tragaban trigo tres tristes tigres"


"Hay chicas chachareras que chacotean con chicos chazos. Y un chico mete al chillón de la chepa un chichón por chirrichote, y el chiste, y lo chocante, es que la chepa se le ha chafado con la hinchazón del chirlo."

I found this one in spanish but i can't understand what does it mean :confused:
Originally posted by Demonic_Science
i think everyone should get back on the REAL topic and realize that I am the best looking male :grin: :lol:

I agree... you are one of the best looking guys on this forum... :grin:

I practically always have to a post a comment everytime you post a picture of yourself... As I have said before, you're really cute...

I feel kinda weird writing stuff like that... since you are about 2 years younger than I am... I'll get over myself. :)
Originally posted by Demonic_Science
i think everyone should get back on the REAL topic and realize that I am the best looking male :grin: :lol:

Ok, back to the real topic: you are the best looking male, now what?
yay! i won! :grin:

@Demonic_Science: you haven't won, 'cause you only got 2 votes (3 if we count Final_Vision's vote) there's no winners in this contest :p
....and there's people that still haven't posted their pictures :rolleyes:
I'm trying to get some pictures to post here.. Not to win any contest, only for your eyes ;)... I just need camera...

And I'll even allow you to print them and put them on your walls as posters :grin:

/me is dead bored
Originally posted by Phildwarf
"les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont elle seches, archi-seches?"

the socks of the archduchess are it cigs, bone-dry
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by astarte
"Tres tristes tigres, tragaban trigo en un trigal, en tres tristes trastos, tragaban trigo tres tristes tigres"

Three sad tigers, swallowed wheat in a wheat field, in three sad trastos, swallowed wheat three sad tigers.

Originally posted by astarte
"Hay chicas chachareras que chacotean con chicos chazos. Y un chico mete al chillón de la chepa un chichón por chirrichote, y el chiste, y lo chocante, es que la chepa se le ha chafado con la hinchazón del chirlo."

Are chachareras girls who chacotean with chazos boys. And a boy puts to chillón of chepa chichón by chirrichote, and the joke, and the chocante, is that chepa has been chafado to him with the swelling of chir it.

***Some words were confusing to me. Sorry, I'm only in 9th grade!***
speaking of frence...My mom is from quebec,everyone in my family can speak freanch and i took that fucking subject for 7 years...and i cant speak a damn word of it lol
oh well