best memories while in a band

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
what are some of your favorite times while being in a band?

a couple for me...

i hate jager. it leads to terrible things. but one time the band ( 06/ )and decided to do shots of jager before the set. BAD IDEA. so we're about to go on, and our midget drummer is takin a piss. im 6'1", and im at the mic yellin "GET OUT HERE YOU SHORT FUCK!". eventually he comes out, walks up to my mic, stands on his toes and says "i heard what yall said bout me, and that aint funny". the entire bar erupts in laughter

another time, our "manager" was drunk off his ass. we were bringin our stuff back to the van and he has to take a piss. so he whips it out and starts pissing in between a our van and another car. our guitarist asks "what are you doin man!?" and he turns around to respond and starts to piss on the van.

mmmm, good times.
fucking some 18 year old after my show last night. all i did was let her hold my bass for a minute, and suddenly she's sitting on my lap. then i woke up to her arguing with her ex (she said) boyfriend on the phone, and i pretty much grabbed pants and fucked off and got some tacos after that...

but i got her # oh yessir...
Teh Grimace said:
fucking some 18 year old after my show last night. all i did was let her hold my bass for a minute, and suddenly she's sitting on my lap. then i woke up to her arguing with her ex (she said) boyfriend on the phone, and i pretty much grabbed pants and fucked off and got some tacos after that...

but i got her # oh yessir...

gwash man I wanna be just like you
Teh Grimace said:
fucking some 18 year old after my show last night. all i did was let her hold my bass for a minute, and suddenly she's sitting on my lap. then i woke up to her arguing with her ex (she said) boyfriend on the phone, and i pretty much grabbed pants and fucked off and got some tacos after that...

but i got her # oh yessir...
Oh man, that's like sooo totally awesome and like totally metal!!! If I were EVER that cool, I think I'd like hi-five myself in the mirror every time I looked in it.:lol:
Teh Grimace said:
VadimVon is a great fucking poster. i'd just like to point that out one more time...

I'd like to point this out: how can anyone even BE in a band and still have time to post over 2100 articles of genuine pretentious bullshit in a period of only six months?

P.S. I can cut your ass on your OWN bass any fucking given day, that's if you even own one. :lol:

How's that for some great posting, fag?
VadimVon said:
I'd like to point this out: how can anyone even BE in a band and still have time to post over 2100 articles of genuine pretentious bullshit in a period of only six months?

P.S. I can cut your ass on your OWN bass any fucking given day, that's if you even own one. :lol:

How's that for some great posting, fag?
You are now on my favorite posters list. :kickass:
How about this for a band memory... A good while back one of my very first "real" bands opened for Grave on a couple of dates of their southeastern-US leg of "Hating Life" tour. On the last night of our stint I apparently got up on stage with them and played the entire song "Scars" off their Soulless album as 2nd guitarist, according to my then-bandmates and other "pals". Supposedly it even "kicked ass", but I was so fucking wasted, that I have absolutely NO recollection of this event whatsoever. Pretty fucking sad, really...