an intoxicated ramble about our metal community

I go for a metal look in what I wear. At first, I think I was doing it because it's what the bands I listened to wore, but over time it has become less of a "copy your idols" thing and more of a simply "me" thing. I like the "metal look" and can't see myself in any other way. Therefore, I dress metal because I am metal. It defines me.
People that have long hair and wear bands shirts aren't conformists, I agree. They are merely part of a non-mainstream group that is somewhat like a brotherhood, as you said. I personally don't have long hair and don't wear band shirts, because I really can't wear them to work or anything. So I usually dress nice, because I have to in most situations. Sometimes I wish I could dress like a metalhead, when people simply assume that I like hip hop just because that is what just about everyone else listens to.
Perdition's Light said:
Personally, I could care less about trying to fit an archetypal image. If I wore a "metal uniform" I would feel like others would assume things about my personality simply because of how I looked, without having ever talked to me. In general I don't like others to think they have me "figured out", and I certainly don't want some incompetent redneck I've never met thinking he knows anything about who I am from what I'm wearing. Of course, maybe that's the actual reason some choose to dress this way - they want others to know they listen to metal and that they're proud of it. But like someone said earlier...I don't understand why I should be proud I listen to metal. Some of it speaks to me, so naturally I'm going to enjoy it. It's not as if I've accomplished anything remarkable by enjoying other people's art. I suppose I'll be sentenced to death by guillotine or something now :lol:

Nice jab at the 'Inquisition' at the end there. But no, I agree with you. Being proud of enjoying a certain 'art' that YOU PERSONALLY deem higher than others is not only immature, but ignorant. I feel no 'brotherhood' in Metal, not even at concerts. I just go to the front row so I can properly view the artists on stage. I don't even care about a community feeling. I'm not 'disappointed' or anything of that sort because nobody shares my musical tastes in my area, I just listen to my music for myself, not so people will think something of me.

On the other hand, however, I don't really have a problem with wearing Metal band shirts and the like. If one wishes to support an artist by wearing their merchandise, I don't care. I personally wear them because between band shirts, plain shirts and Abercrombie/GAP/Old Navy type shirts, I would rather wear band shirts.
J. said:
I don't wear metal shirts, because don't have any. I'd rather spend my money on their music.
You also don't wear metal shirts because you're a married Christian with wife and dogs and a house in the suburb and a white-collar job which won't let you wear Aryan Terrorism shirts