Why are you a metalhead?


and because metal is real music, unlike other shite genres like rap or pop.

alright, now THAT was a dumb comment. What makes anything more " real" than another thing?

I personally just love metal.I look like one, but that still doesnt limit me. I listen to what I like;be it some Deathspell, Devourement, tears for Fears, or Immortal technique. It has nothing to do with trooness, it is merely what it is.
Total agreement from me here. And those are some astute observations, I might add.
Well thank you, I like to think I'm an astute person :)
I've heard plenty of that stuff. And strictly for me personally, I find it to be borderline unlistenable. I would consider it on par with metal at best, from an instrumental standpoint. To me, the fact that they've put more into it on a theoretical level doesn't change anything when the actual music is stacked up against something that isn't as theoretical. The aesthetics can be duplicated without the theory and forethought. Different strokes for different folks. :Smokedev:
It's an acquired taste, definitely, but then again so is metal in most cases. Like I said before, I didn't always have the appreciation for jazz and classical music that I do now, but it was metal that got me into them and after examining each from a more interdisciplinary standpoint, I find that in many cases, metal really isn't that much different from either of the other two. Think of jazz as slower tech death with cleaner tone and different vocals and classical music as symphonic power metal without distortion or "metal" drumming.
It has nothing to do with trooness, it is merely what it is.
Same here. I hate it when people dislike a band simply because they're not tr00 enough. Miley Cyrus isn't tr00 by any stretch, but I love singing along to See You Again in my friend's car or at karaoke, and I don't think this discredits my interest in death metal. But then again, maybe I'm not very tr00 either :o
eminem has nothing to do with you being eclectic, he has more to do with you liking a horrificly shitty rapper.
That "Lose Yourself" song wasn't bad, but hearing everyone talking about Slim Shady for a couple years was just fucking annoying.

Don't sign me up. Getting fucked in the ass by an overweight black dude is not my idea of success.
Which is exactly why you'll never amount to anything.

alright, now THAT was a dumb comment. What makes anything more " real" than another thing?
Because it's all about dragons and mutilation. Everyone knows that real life is all about dragons and mutilation, but all these stupid rappers sing their escapist songs about living in the hood and selling drugs. What lunacy!

I hate it when people dislike a band simply because they're not tr00 enough. Miley Cyrus isn't tr00 by any stretch, but I love singing along to See You Again in my friend's car or at karaoke, and I don't think this discredits my interest in death metal. But then again, maybe I'm not very tr00 either :o
I second this. No one respects my Motley Crue shirt.
"Lose Yourself" was probably Eminem's only decent song. But his live freestyle skills on the mic are actually quite surprisingly formidable. His style is so nontraditional. Too bad he's a terrible songwriter who prefers shock value to good lyricism.

And Dr. Dre is the fucking man. He can fuck me anytime. :)
I've heard plenty of that stuff. And strictly for me personally, I find it to be borderline unlistenable. I would consider it on par with metal at best, from an instrumental standpoint. To me, the fact that they've put more into it on a theoretical level doesn't change anything when the actual music is stacked up against something that isn't as theoretical. The aesthetics can be duplicated without the theory and forethought. Different strokes for different folks. :Smokedev:

classical music is unlistenable? :lol::lol::lol:
I went through an Eminem phase, but now... I just don't care. Lose Yourself was good but overplayed as fuck. He was always mediocre, borderline bad, except on freestyle.
Eminem is actually one of the few rappers I can tolerate listening to, to be honest. I mean, he actually seems to have some shred of songwriting talent.
:kickass: He's not the only rapper I like, if that helps.

MegaDurp. If getting fucked in Dre's basement can make you that successful, sign me the hell up!

obviously that's not all all what it takes, eminem is talented as well, but if dr.dre didn't give him his chance eminem could have never become what he is today.

alright, now THAT was a dumb comment. What makes anything more " real" than another thing?

I personally just love metal.I look like one, but that still doesnt limit me. I listen to what I like;be it some Deathspell, Devourement, tears for Fears, or Immortal technique. It has nothing to do with trooness, it is merely what it is.

if you didn't like my comment then no need to call it dumb, you could have just explained why do you disagree with me, that was just my opinion, from my point of view metal is real while rap is mostly crap, it's just how i see it and that's why the topic is why are you a metalhead, he's asking everyone individually.

Eminem is actually one of the few rappers I can tolerate listening to, to be honest. I mean, he actually seems to have some shred of songwriting talent.

I agree, I don't mind listening to him, unlike the other rap singers, i just can't stand it, it's shite music.
Just 'cause yous jack off onto classicalz sheet musics and Is jack off onto rap CD casez dusnt meeen yous is better ats the music tastes as me is.


peace & love, ya'll. :kickass:

um... that was pwned?

Yeah, man, you totally got burnt. He just totally crushed you. That was brutal. I've never seen anyone shut down like that. It was harsh.

Yeah, 'cause it was hilarious. It's hard to get the whole jist of it over the internet though. :goggly:
