Why are you a metalhead?

Who cares about identity, really...

Well, an identity is how a person describes you based on the way you act and present yourself. I agree when you should not limit yourself and try to be a certain thing, but it still there is always something to describe yourself regardless you want or care about it.
Because it's

cause it gives me a stiffy everytime.

I'm a metalhead because I hate faggots and my pals.

Because power metal is the greatest thing man has created
Very true.
I don't consider myself a metalhead, I just enjoy metal music. I'm even so far removed from metal culture that most of my friends are surprised when they discover that I'm into "that stuff" and don't see me as a metal person at all. However, I'm a very melody driven person and in my experience, metal has the greatest instrumental emphasis of any currently popular genre, as well as some of the most competent layering and harmonies outside of classical music, along with the most technical and progressive architectural structures outside of jazz.

I have a very deep interest in evolutionary musicology and ethno-musicology and metal is one of the only genres that represents such a large range of cultural themes, styles and instruments as world music, but many metal bands employ techniques from multiple cultures, which is rare even in world music.
- One of the only genres of modern music that has not been tainted by mainstream appeal (excluding hair/glam metal)
...and nu-metal and metalcore.

That's an awful lot of exceptions, don't you think?
To me there's no other music that comes anywhere near being as good as metal from strictly an instrumentation standpoint.
You've never heard of jazz or classical music?
Metal is one of the most energetic genres, and provides diversified sounds. Quite simply, where most other music is just flash metal, has substance and more flash to boot. Dynamic, ever-changing, metal is just a genre that seems to have no limits.
I'm inclined to agree, as I find that metal incorporates influences from other genres more fluently and appropriately that most other music that I've heard. In fact, while this probably won't surprise too many people from this forum, a lot of people outside of the metal culture might be shocked to realize that metal was my gateway to classical, jazz and world music, rather than something else being a gateway into rock and then metal. Interestingly, I actually can't even stand most rock music.
BlackMetalWhiteGuy said:
I'm a very melody driven person and in my experience, metal has the greatest instrumental emphasis of any currently popular genre, as well as some of the most competent layering and harmonies outside of classical music, along with the most technical and progressive architectural structures outside of jazz.

I have a very deep interest in evolutionary musicology and ethno-musicology and metal is one of the only genres that represents such a large range of cultural themes, styles and instruments as world music, but many metal bands employ techniques from multiple cultures, which is rare even in world music.

Total agreement from me here. And those are some astute observations, I might add.
Metal is one of the most energetic genres, and provides diversified sounds. Quite simply, where most other music is just flash metal, has substance and more flash to boot. Dynamic, ever-changing, metal is just a genre that seems to have no limits.


and because metal is real music, unlike other shite genres like rap or pop.
You've never heard of jazz or classical music?

I've heard plenty of that stuff. And strictly for me personally, I find it to be borderline unlistenable. I would consider it on par with metal at best, from an instrumental standpoint. To me, the fact that they've put more into it on a theoretical level doesn't change anything when the actual music is stacked up against something that isn't as theoretical. The aesthetics can be duplicated without the theory and forethought. Different strokes for different folks. :Smokedev:
eminem has nothing to do with you being eclectic, he has more to do with you liking a horrificly shitty rapper.
Because he's a fag who got fucked in dr.dre's basement to be what he is today, shame on every eminem fan!