Why are you a metalhead?

I originally got into metal, because every other form of music I'd heard had gotten too damn stale, too fast. I'd gotten sick of all the shit that was being force-fed to me through the radio; it was namby-pamby, and it was fucking emotionless drivel (at least, 99% of it was).

That's why I like metal. It's just filled with energy, with brutality, with hatred (something modern music is definitely lacking).
I don't consider myself a metalhead, because I mostly listen to black metal and have basically no interest in metal aside from that genre, excepting a few bands. I listen to as much other music as I do metal.
I had a shitload of metal t-shirts and CDs lying around so I figured what the fuck, it's already here.
Because metal is the only thing in life that dosnt make me wanna go fucking insane! I fucking hate this world, it would not been the same without the metal =)
for the beer and the bitches....

but seriously metal is awesome because for one the musicians play their own music and traditionally write their own music and its easy to relate to. And with all this other shit out there who wouldnt crave metal?
Some reasons ...

-I am spawn of the devil
-I have hatred for mankind
-My soul is black
-Im possessed by demons
-I love upseting innocent happy people
-I refuse to give in to trendy ways of behavior
-I am insane

lolz :lol:

You were joking, right?
If it wasn't for the music the only outlet for my tremendous rage would be to join Al Qaeda and incite innumerable deaths.

(Fail at this reference and fail at [somewhat] current events.)
That would depend on the definition of metalhead:

If it is merely listening to the metal itself, it is because it makes me feel as if my eyes are glowing red and breathing fire...when doing so, all things are insignificant and merely exist to be trod asunder by my ever-capable foot. Such things are a must if day-trading.

As for engaging in the culture (i.e. acting the part of one who listens to metal): because the mainstream culture (e.g. that portrayed on MTV) is bland, putrid, and void of meaning.