Why are you a metalhead?

Specifically for me, metal speaks to the populace who feel ostracized and oppressed by religion. I was born into a middle-class suburban Protestant family. Fortunately, my parents have never forced religion upon me (we never went to church except for holidays), but it still was a major influence in my life. I'm not sure what I believe yet; but I can't stand how intolerant and unaccepting some Christians are for other cultures and religions/mythologies. For me, metal represents a genre of music and art that breaks away from conventional religious beliefs (for the most part) and celebrates ancient mythologies and concepts of the universe. Fortunately, there are some people today who recognize and, even if they don't accept them, at least respect these ancient ideals; however, much of the modern world is deluded by the Christian influence. It has shaped the history of Humankind. Metal music presents a massive critique on that history.
Metal is one of the most energetic genres, and provides diversified sounds. Quite simply, where most other music is just flash metal, has substance and more flash to boot. Dynamic, ever-changing, metal is just a genre that seems to have no limits.
I almost forgot. I feel like a fucking badass when I walk into school wearing my Slayer South of Heaven shirt.
Two words, THE MUSIC! But seriously bacause what other form of music has so much raw power and feeling? None. You hear it in the Lyrics, the Vocals, the Drums, and the Guitars. For me music has to give me a reason to listen.

Later Kids
I've just always been drawn to it. I used to listen to pop back in the 80's and then saw the leather-clad vixens in Billy Idols videos. Next thing I know, a friend brought over Hellhammer, Venom, Slayer, and Voivod. That was the end of it all.

I've never followed the lyrical ideologies as much as some, in that I have always been a free thinker but the edge of the music and the way metal delivers its message has always appealed to me. the community (especially at shows) is amazing and I love being able to see bands I love in an intimate surrounding with people who want that exact same thing.
What the fuck? All these faggots are in it for the music? Talk about sell outs.

I didn't know you guys were so shallow...

this will be my last post forevermore
Some reasons ...

-I am spawn of the devil
-I have hatred for mankind
-My soul is black
-Im possessed by demons
-I love upseting innocent happy people
-I refuse to give in to trendy ways of behavior
-I am insane