Best Metal Albums of 2010

Bought a few things recently; digging them all so far

Nevermore - TOC
Overkill - Ironbound
Fear Factory - Mechanize

Devin Townsend's Kai and Addicted
Burzum - Belus
Altar of Plagues - Tides
A Forest of Stars - Opportunistic Thieves of Spring (Highly recommended. It's like a zanier Burzum with violin)
Mael Mordha - Manannannananananananana banana
Watain - Lawless Darkness
Immolation - Majesty And Decay
Misery Index - Heirs to Thievery
Lawless Darkness is really fucking good.

Yes, it definitely is.

Lawless Darkness and Maiestrit are the only two new metal albums I have heard this year, and both are fantastic. Maiestrit is phenomenal, I cannot stop listening to the album. Virstele on the other hand sounds pretty weak and uninspired, especially compared alongside the former.
I just discovered a pretty nifty band right in my backyard; Resistor. Their latest release seems pretty damn awesome.


I'm pissed that I didnt know of this sooner. They had a CD Release Gig at some place in Cranston on 6/4. The day before my bday. That would have been sweet.
Ufomammut - Eve
Ares Kingdom - Incendiary
Burzum - Belus
Sorgeldom - Inner Receivings
Blasphemophagher - From Chaos, Obscurity and Desolation
Burial Invocation - Rituals of the Grotesque
Kerasphorus - Cloven Hoofs at the Holocaust Dawn

I still need to check out A Forest of Stars, Cemetery Urn, Watain, Immolation
TAME IMPALA - InnerSpeaker

Dreamy psychedelia. Doomcifer?
