Best Metal Videos

Dec 30, 2002
Olympia WA
Immortal has great videos. Masters Of Nebulah Frost is my fav from them.
the berzerker - no one wins is pretty cool
Nightwish - bless the child is cool cause tarja is so hot and the drummer is fun to watch.

Therion - to mege therion is the weirdest video ever
I'd love to see the Nightwish video ;)

Anyways, Arch Enemy's Ravenous was pretty cool.

I'm an Iced Earth whore so even though it sucked, it was still cool seeing a Melancholy video.

Gotta love Death Angel's bored ;)

Macabre should makea video.
Bah, the video won't work, of course. The Napalm Death, Vader, Berzerker and such has given you your status though, I'm in a nice mood you little fuck. ;)
I have nothing to play it with, that's the problem. Can't install shit without admin rights and I'm too lazy to "hack."
Originally posted by NapalmForLunch
try... THIS

Awesome fucking site!

My favorite metal video is a bit a sentimental choice for me.

Kreator - Betrayer

I'll never forget when Mille and Frank were on headbanger's ball (with Adam Curry) and they played Betrayer. I had never heard anything like it, and it blew me away. A friend taped it and he still has it. When I watch it now, I get so excited. It's everything a metal video should be.
Yeah, I'd like to see an Iced Earth video, but in a way I wouldn't. It would never be the way I'd want it. I wouldn't want any of the band showing during the whole time, I'd want it to be dark and evil, possibly hand-drawn. Something like that would be cool.
I love this videos from cob Deadnight warrior and everytime i die
Marduk- baptism by fire and Cradel of filth- born in a burial gown videos are good