best movie?

There are several in fact.

Requiem for a dream, I love this movie but could only watch it once.

Fight Club, right movie at the right time for me. I saw it 9 times in the theaters, read the book and own the film.

There are more, but I'm too tired and lazy.
It made me think *nods*

Lots of movies make me think. Most of them make me think I wasted my time watching them, though.
The Seventh Seal *points to sig* and most other Ingmar Bergman films
A Clockwork orange
Pi & Requiem for a Dream (Aronofsky kicks ass)
American Psycho

eh...that's all I can think of for now
Der Todesking (aka The Death King) is a 1989 German horror film directed by Jörg Buttgereit. This experimental style movie which does not use central characters explores the topic of suicide and violent death in the form of seven episodes, each one attributed to one day of the week. These episodes are enframed by the vision of a human body, slowly rotting during the course of the movie.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Requiem for a Dream
Jacob's Ladder

"Well I love my lil' rooster and my rooster loves me
gonna cherish that chicken 'neath the greeen bay tree.
Lil' rooster goes....COCKADOODLEDOOOdoodledoooodoodledooo!"

I think I watched that movie one too many times.
I'm too lazy to write out a list, but man...Certain parts of that movie are burnt into my memory.
I really couldn't enjoy American Psycho the film given how mind-blowing the book was, the frequent problem with movie to film translations.

I say this, ironically, before citing "Rashomon" the movie, which was also perhaps one of the best short stories I've encountered. As is all Akutagawa's work.