Best MP3 player (computer)


just say hi
Jan 22, 2002
Okay...everyone seems to have Winamp or something...I downloaded it a while ago and it annoyed me, mainly because I'm lazy and couldn't be arsed to figure out what was going on.

SOOOO anyway is that the best one? I currently have MusicMatchbox...and it crashes my computer half the time which pisses me off no end...heh.
I've used WinAmp, Musicmatch, and Windows media player. I've generally liked WinAmp the best, although I've used WIndows media player latley because it is compatible with my wireless clicker.
winamp ownz everyone ever invented
of course it might be dented
but it doesn't stop oreos for been eating of two
of many of knight
of the knight of frodo
Winamp2 is better?

Grr, I got WinAmp3 about an hour ago. It seems allright, I'll keep it.
Stick with Winamp 3 buddy. The only reason that everyones whinging about it is 'cos its all 'backwards' compared to winamp 2.XX, but 'cos you're 'new to the fold' you won't have to 'unlearn' anything.

Admitedly, the funtionality of winamp 3 is lacking compared to winamp 2 at the moment, but that's always the way with a new developmental cycle for a new product... It'll catch up soon enough. :D

Oh and the graphics and visualisation stuff on winamp3 shits ALL OVER winamp 2 stuff....

I'm starting again, hehe, I'll go for 3 I think. :eek:
i had real only for real files, it blows hard, windows medai, blows hard, and winamp is the shit, winamp 3 is ok, its just has a video player on it, and the playlists always fuck up. so ill be usuin 2.xx for now.

@Belial- well said:)
winamp 3 could turn out to be good one day once more functions are incorporated... but nothing can touch winamp 2.. yeah especially with that album list plugin.

Whatever happened to Sonique? I remember people used to bash winamp all the time, saying sonique was way better. I never cared for it, but interesting to see no mentions of sonique as of yet, unless it just isnt around these days....