Best musicians in a technical sense

You can't be serious, I cannot stand that guy's voice! It's one of the most irritating and nasal sounding voices I've ever heard...
Hahaha Blitzy stumped you there!!!

I think Peter Criss in his current state, Ace Frehley in his current state, and Gene Simmons on bass, all vocals and all songwriting duties would be the ultimate supergroup. Nobody could match their technical wizardry, tightness and amazing songwriting...
Not that I can think of. Plenty of singers that are just as good, but in a technical sense I think Guy is better. But if I think of a singer who I think is technically better then I'm man enough to admit it.
Personally I don't think Guy could even touch anything sung by Tony Harnell, Bruce Dickinson, James LaBrie (even though I hate him), etc...
Sebitchian rules. Shame he's not using his talent these days.....

Who's Tony Harnell, Trent? God I'm an ignorant fucker.

Billy Sheahan! :headbang: He was awesome on Sunday night! :headbang:
he may be good technically, but his voice sounds fucking hideous to me.... He butchered a good song with one of his covers, it made me want to throw up.
I'd rather listen to the dude from sonata arctica than guy sebastian! But anyway,, the question was about technical skill, so i'll shut up now :D
Tony Harnell is from TNT, a Finnish melodic hard rock/metal band. He has an amazing range (he hits notes anybody else could only hit in falsetto but does it in a full head voice that actually sounds awesome), and I've seen a video of them live in Tokyo 1989 and he hits every note so effortlessly.... unbelievable!

His voice is similar to James LaBrie from Dream Theater except it doesn't sound shit. He has the same kinda range & control (except even better), but he sings with a little more attitude, variety, and has a much nicer tone to his voice.