Best musicians in a technical sense

While we're talking about Australian Idol singers, has anyone actually heard Shannon Noll's album? My daughter played it for me once and it has to be the lamest, most watered down rock album I've ever heard. He was probably the least talented of the Top 12 from last year.
I have Shannon's album - it's quite good, actually, if you're into Bryan Adams-type stuff. He's not a great singer by any stretch of the imagination, though, but he does give hope to anyone out there who is wondering if they could make it in the music biz.
If you had heard more than that one song, you would know it isn't a representation of the rest of the album, but having heard more than just the one song written by Bryan Adams on Shannon Noll's album, and each song I have heard having the same 'sound', I can make that statement.
Blitzkrieg said:
I would assume material written by Bryan Adams would sound rather Bryan Adamsy.
Actually, taking that quote alone and out of context, then yes, you're right, I guess.

I haven't heard any of the album except for "What About Me", and he ruined that anyway.
Yeah, he did.

Seeing him on the news this afternoon, performing in front of industry folk from around the world before the worldwide release of his album, I thought to myself, the music industry in this country is so fucked at the moment. Having artists that are currently the most popular and successful in the country get to where they are the way they did, and continue to stay at the top with dodgey albums filled with covers and originals poorly written by industry folk is disgraceful, but having them "represent Australia" is even worse. :zombie:
He's got his own TV special next Monday night!

Anyone would think he won Australian Idol. I'd be *spewing* if I was Guy. I mean, what's Guy done? A couple of Pepsi ads, a short lived number one song that I never heard on the radio and went in World Idol.
I didn't know about the tv special. Fuck me.

Yeah, I would be pissed if I was Guy. I would be pissed if I was anyone who made the top 12 actually, as most of them were miles ahead of Shannon when it came to 'singing ability', yet he beat them in a 'singing contest', and has been pushed and pushed since.