'Best Of' tracklist


Sep 28, 2002
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I've been a fan since around the Among the Living days. After some time and serious consideration I came up with my track list of the 'best' Anthrax songs to fill a double CD compilation for my own enjoyment. Here's what I chose and why.

CD 1
1 - Time ... This was just a good starter. It is a LITTLE long, but I don't mind the one or two parts that lag.

2 - I Am The Law ... Can't have a conversation about Anthrax without this song popping up.

3 - Chromatic Death ... I used to tape Headbanger's Ball on MTV and play the SOD parts again and again.

4 - Antisocial ... Just a good cover.

5 - I'm The Man (Uncensored original version) ... When my entire CD collection was stolen. This EP was one of the first things I repurchased.

6 - One Man Stands ... I listened to PoT over and over again while I played a Robotech game on my Commodore 64. That entire album will forever be synonymous with that game (Just like Metallica's And Justice For All... goes with Pool of Radiance).

7 - Born Again Idiot ... I SWEAR I wrote this song and forgot it. Only I don't think my version was as cool. In fact it may have been completely different.

8 - A.D.I./Horror of It All ... An excellent exercise in how a song can build to a point. Too many bands nowadays just slap a few riffs together.

9 - Now It's Dark ... Moves nicely.

10 - Got The Time ... Don't know why, but I loved the video. It was even better than the M.O.D. "Vents" video.

11 - Potter's Field ... First time I heard this one, sounds seemed to just scream out of nowhere. It's a powder keg ignited by meaty guitar and it explodes for a few minutes leaving you broken and beaten and craving more.

12 - 604 ... More, more, more

13 - Protest and Survive ... Anthrax should release a collection of all the cover tunes they've recorded and call it "Steve."

14 - In My World ... This is the reason I started watching Married With Children. Not only did I tape that episode, but it also made me realize it wasn't a bad show.

15 - Who Cares Wins ... Just a mean, mean, mean riff.

16 - Imitation of Life ... For a long time I listened to all my albums with only one speaker n my boom box working. That means I missed half this song. Well, when I finally heard it in stereo it ruled. Loved it ever since.

17 - Gung-Ho ... Oedivnikufesin

CD 2

1 - Among The Living ... Good song. Saved me from having to read that monster book.

2 - Misery Loves Company ... Turn up the bass.

3 - Bring the Noize ... If I had a nickel for every band name that came from this song or rapper that quoted from it I would be a rich man.

4, 5 - Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast ... I think it has something to do with eatin', and I like food.

6 - Cupajoe ... More, more, more

7 - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath ... It's 2 a.m, and the lights are out. I have my bedroom window open with a fan blowing on me. I'm trying to smoke without my mom finding out. This comes on.

8 - Burst ... You just might.

9 - Madhouse ... A classic.

10 - Gridlock ... Wow. I wonder how they reattached Scott's arm after recording this. My guess is they had to splice his DNA with some sort of reptil so he could regrow it.

11 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind ... I just love the main riff.

12 - In A Zone ... Stomp 442 is easily the worst Anthrax album, but I wanted to include something off of it, so this won.

13 - A Skeleton in the Closet ... This must be the song where they pioneered the reattaching Scott's arm procedure.

14 - Discharge ... Again, I always seemed to come across this one when I was in a frenzied Robotech battle on the C64. It fit.

15 - Milk (Ode to Billy) ... When I first got Attack of the Killer B's I didn't recognize what this song was. My smile only recently faded.

16 - This Is Not An Exit ... More, more, more

17 - Finale ... What else you going to use to end 160 minutes of Anthrax music?

Oh well, that's my list. I know I left out Indians, Caught in a Mosh, and a lot of newer stuff, but when you grow up listening to music it defines you, and you don't always get to choose the songs that are playing when something important happens. So. Enjoy.
Great... my Anthrax best of would definitely include also Auf Wiedersehen, my favourite cover song and definitely Black Lodge... hmm, and probably a dozen more. Actually it would need at least three cd's.. :grin:
I haven't heard every Anthrax album, so don't get pissed off if i leave your favorite song out!:lol:

1) Madhouse
2)S.S.C./ Stand or Fall
3) Room for One More
4) Black Lodge
5) Crush
6) NFL
7) I'm the Man (uncensored)
8) London
9) Indians
10) Caught in a Mosh
11) Discharge
12) Got the Time
Let me clarify. I said Stomp 442 is easily the worst Anthrax album. I did NOT say it was a bad album. It's like looking at a room full of naked ladies and saying one in particular has the worst set of breasts, when in reality there are no bad sets of breasts.
I made a "Best of" album myself about a year ago, but it only has John-era stuff. This is an 80 minute CD:

1. Potters Field
2. Tester
3. Crush
4. London
5. Room For One More
6. 604
7. Random Acts of Senseless Violence
8. Auf Wiedersehen
9. Inside Out
10. C11H17N2O2SNa
11. Noisegate
12. Cupajoe
13. Bordello of Blood
14. Only
15. Giving the Horns
16. Nothing
17. Grunt and Click
18. Burst
19. Poison My Eyes

As for the Stomp issue, again, it's a matter of opinion, but I think it's their third best behind SOWN and Vol. 8. I'd definately take Stomp onto a desert island with me before I took a Joey-era album, but that's me.
I made my own best of, one from Joey era, One from John era, and one from Neil era, J/K), but anyways I did the first two and as soon as I remember the track Lists, I will post them. I just do not think that Joey and John belong on the same greatest hits.
Originally posted by Kronx
Let me clarify. I said Stomp 442 is easily the worst Anthrax album. I did NOT say it was a bad album. It's like looking at a room full of naked ladies and saying one in particular has the worst set of breasts, when in reality there are no bad sets of breasts.