Best One!(or two)


Dec 8, 2001
What's your favorite song of all times?
I know that noone will answer this clearly.(Most of us's change daily:D )But give it a try.The song that has a special place in your heart and mind...
Mine is;
Afraid To Shoot Strangers!(or maybe Sentient or The Curse Of Fëanor,or Embody The Invisible or Hangar 18.....:confused: )

It is Afraid To Shoot Strangers!!!!!!!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
and Sentient(I had to write this:D ,that song helped me)
two songs that i love...

But you write only one:lol:
I don't know... There is a whole bunch of songs that I'm attached too lately, each representing something special for me.

However, lately I've been listening repeatedly (spelling?) to Anathema's One Last Goodbye and Parisienne Moonlight (these two songs are one for me...)

A very special place in my heart has Sting's Mad About You... Very special.....
@danceinflames Afraid to Shoot Strangers is godly, its so Pink-Floydish! I love that riff in the middle of the song, I went and learned it like 2 minutes after hearing the song hehe.

As for favorite songs, its impossible, but for the sake of this thread!

Recent Top 2:

1. Soilwork - Song of the Damned (Oh helll yeah, natural born chaos is gonna be gooooooood)

2. Edge of Sanity - Twilight

Of all TIME!:

1. Metallica - The Unforgiven

2. Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark (live) (as well as the studio recording)
it would be so unconsiderate from myself typing just one!!!!!
that wouldn't be fair!!!!!!

so I'll just say one of those...Blind Guardian--Another Holy War
oooh,noooooooooooooo don't do this to me :s

*thinks thinks thinks*

Ved Buens Ende-You that may wither

At the gates- The swarm

ok,ask me tomorrow and i've changed my mind.... ;)
@hearse: I feel the same about her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's funny you ask since yesterday I went to see Axxis' gig, they were supporting Kamelot (which I don't like too much) but on one of the songs of Kamelot a girl comes out to make the female voice and then on another song, may be she sang for a minute or two in the whole night, but she DID toured with them!!!! so I assume is somebody's girlfriend or smth.....
and then couldn't stop thinking how amazing would be that Sara toured with the band (even I know that's not possible) :)
would love to see a picture too ;)
hmm, hard to pick one, i have so many favourite songs. here's a few:

Radiohead - Street Spirit
Anathema - J'ai Fait Une Promesse... ah, the good old heartache ;)
Iron Maiden - Strange World
Heather Nova - Heal..again, the good old heartache :D