best plugins for distorting bass?


Jul 27, 2005

not sure if this is the right subforum...

anyways, as the title already imposes, i wonder what you guys consider to be the best plugins for distorting/gritting up the bass guitar?

depending on the sound i'm shooting for i'll often reamp through a sansamp psa1, but to me it doesn't work quite the same when just trying to add some narrow high mid distortion to the bass track (sneap trick, basically ^^).
and interestingly, i haven't found a plugin (yet) that does the job really well.
ATM i'm often running tss after a low/hipass to grit up the signal, but there must be another plugin that works way better than this.
Im interested in this too.
Actually I have gotten decent results with the distortion plugs that come with Cubase.
Yeah this has been a great interest of mine for a while.

TBH I haven't found anything ITB that I've been overly impressed by. I normally use a combination of tools to get the job done, and annoyingly enough with bass guitar you can use just about anything, and depending on the source tone sometimes an approach will work, and other times it won't even come close.

From what I've gathered, some of the best options are:

-Sansamp PSA-1
-Audio Damage Kombinat

Also, just about anything that creates standard guitar distortion can work.

I've yet to try the new Studio Devil plug-ins, but I haven't really heard any clips that impress me too much yet.

That is all. Don't know what it does but it differs majorly from a lot of other distortion plugins in that it doesn't make it sound shithouse when you distort it by ridiculous amounts. Can get harsh quick tho. But its free.
im reamping bass through a tube screamer for hi end grit. then blend with your clean bass track. I also find sending your bass to a bus, then making two aux tracks with that bus as the input, put an impulse of a 15" driver on one, and an impulse from a 4x10 cab, or a 1x8 cab on the other. then output these to another bus, create an auxtrack with that bus as the input for it, and compress them together :)
I've tried putting bass through the bass cabs in Free Amp 3, if it's just for high end grit it works out pretty nicely, however putting anything not hi-passed through it just sounds meh to me.