What stompbox for bass grit?

Would you guys say the bass at 2:39 of Decapitated's 'Three Dimensional Defect' sounds like Sansamp? This is basically my holy grail of bass tones for metal music. Not over-distorted, not too clean, just filthy enough for you to hear those strings like some grinding industrial machinery.

Sorry, I don't have real input for this thread, but I went and listened to that part you pointed to, and holy fucking shit man I want that sound for my tracks :lol:
Sorry, I don't have real input for this thread, but I went and listened to that part you pointed to, and holy fucking shit man I want that sound for my tracks :lol:

Yeah don't we all. I just want the sound of that sort of grit. I'm not sure if its the Sansamp doing that or what. It has a bit of that thin highs sound I associate with the BDDI, obviously being boosted by a very EMG-laden bass to maximize the fret clacking. Light saturation/brutality is only possible to achieve properly that way.

I really don't want to go on a buying/selling excursion until I settle on 'the one'. Rather just get the 'rectifier in a box' type deal from day 1.