Best so far 2005???

Dodens Grav said:
No, it's Alienchrist and Richard Mills (the vocalist) that plays in both bands, from what I understand. A lot of people seem to think that Gelal has been in a lot of bands, like Gravewurm, but from what I understand he's always been solely in Grand Belial's Key, and doing an awesome fucking job.

Side Note: New Toxic fucking Holocaust just came out, I'm going to pick it up in a bit.
Actually Gelal = Pogrom. Look at the pictures for each band in the Metal Archives. It is evident that Gelal is Pogrom. He is playing the same guitar with the same sticker in the same spot in each picture, and his body is even in the same position. This is assuming that the pictures are the same as they were before. Also, I don't think that Von Demonicus and Richard are the same person, though Richard did fill in for Von Demonicus for some European shows.
Morpha said:
I emailed Grand Belial's Key about their new album a month ago; they told me September 31st.

I wonder if that will hold true.

Either way it will be the best of the year. GBK \m/
If anything surpases Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness this year, that would be the one to do it. I can't wait to hear it.

Arghoslent's website said:
The band has discontinued relations with HELLPIKE in Germany who was supposed to release ARSENAL OF GLORY on vinyl. The band feels that a 3 year delay does not meet their standards. Upon the request of ARGHOSLENT the project has been terminated. The label refused to give up its attempt to release this piece of vinyl. ARGHOSLENT considers any vinyl release by
>>HELLPIKE in Germany to be unathorized, a bootleg, and done without the consent of the band. DO NOT SUPPORT!!! A CD & digipack reissue of this release (including a live show as bonus tracks) is being pressed by Vinland Winds in a few weeks.

I don't know if I'm the only one that didn't know about this, but that's fucking awesome.