Best Song Drumwise


New Metal Member
May 4, 2008
Hello Everyone

Long time lurker VERY long time lurker here and first time poster (actually just signed up today) anyway I have a question for everyone.

Now I know there have been countless threads talking about Lopez's drumming and I have searched the forum to try and find an answer to this question but couldn't find it.

So I have a friend who is a drummer and really feels that metal bands and metal drummers can only play fast and have no sense of rhythm like that of a jazz or blues drummer. I want to play him an Opeth song preferably one that has heavy and mellow parts so he can see that, in fact, not all metal drummers are machines who play blast beats and soulless double bass. So my question to all of you is which Opeth song do you feel would impress my friend?


Joey D
yes I agree with Wreath and maybe Ghost of Perdition too, it's not just fast beating as you like but still difficult to play..
The end of Closure is the first song that comes to mind if you want that sexy Latin beat.
obv choice here is beneath the mire. GR was lopez at his peak of drumming, and on this song he has amazing fills, and his beats range from simplistic to complicated, plus his signature beat is in this song. There is a lot of subtle druming in this song too.
Ghost of Perdition or Beneath the Mire...most things on Ghost Reveries in fact..Lopez's finest recorded moments no doubt about that.
If you wanna show Lopez's diversity go with Face of Melinda. If you wanna just show him his more "metal" side than go with Deliverance.
i love the fills and the drumming on damnation and a fair judgement .... the jazzy style from lopez is very cool!
but i think harlequin forest is the best "drum song" :)
I'm a drummer and the first songs that come to mind when it comes to diversity and groove are:
-Beneath the mire
-Harlequin Forest
-A Fair Judgment

If I were you, I'd just force him to listen to all of Ghost Reveries.:p
Ah yeah, Ghost Reveries is just top notch for Lopez's drumming. I love how fat the drumkit sounds on GR, some of the reverb drenched drums in earlier albums can be annoying.