Best song/lyrics of all time contender


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
The destroying genius of idols
Will shroud the world with utter lies
Dance the cobbles, his abode named Dis
Portraits have spoken their masters distress
Icons with kisses, tell me who have seen this
Failing Enochian tapestries
Depict the prince of fallen virtues
In almost poetic rhapsody
Masturbate to the sound of the knell
The pathetic stench of dying children
Perhaps our fall is certain
Limbs entwined in absolute contortion

Please put off your veil
Your heart is blameless
And I shudder for knowing it

A hot May makes a fat churchyard
And Lychfowel breed in chaotic frenzy
Her cry was the saddest of all earth's sounds
Trauma bites hard the hearts of Kin
Swept away by a moments sadness
They say rage is a brief madness
By way of the beloved's farewell
Give back to nature what we first did take
And monuments would slowly fill
The agendas of Kings and Queens
In silence our faces bleed
The holy voice torn away by the gale


Love is a game where both players cheat
Gone is the tale of Hero and Leander
Women are angels yet wedlock's the devil
To have and to hold but death no longer parts
Harlots and sluts, whores of our world
Expose their stinking vaginas
Many who have no will of their own
Hold their souls towards the sinister bloom
Are you rich, oh lord of vanity
As you peddle your wares of cruelty
Dressed up so you look the part
So blind, it's ignorance you wear
Quite brutal beyond belief
Sores that weep their septic tears
Dragged out through war torn lifetimes
And death shall feast on us all
The mills of God grind slowly
The adorable light of that which is most divine

The fascination of her shape
With mansions of awe and splendour
Elegant in simplicity
So at last your faith rewards you
Through fields enriched with pastel shade
And fragrant lavenders soft to smell
You laugh and drink wine of no great age
Nature does scent the farthest shores
Face to face your angelic host
All hopes in you imperishably kept
Is God your wish and all your dreams
If your body is frail then yes, by all means:



my vote goes to-

Over the moor of mist and through valleys of fate
I fly on my voyage through this moonlit landscape
of re-emerged figments of imagination
I am aroused in sleep....aroused in sleep

Far beyond the gate which reflects in the closed eye
reveal that a dreamscape lies therein
A yearning for a world
where the everlost find their peace
In the pearly gates of dawn
on the astral feed of minds
- envenomed to the bone
forever cleansed from all called wrath
as slumber sneaks upon
and steals the thought of man
all ridden from inner aggression...
A voyage beyond this world
In this paralell to real life
- access lies in dreams
Unveil hidden secrets in our sleep
- the key to what's beyond

In the wake of man we see
essential dreams unfulfilled
Enhance the value of life
engraved words on the page of man

In the presence of the moon
an owl awakes and calls a name
tells a story of a world
accessable only at night...

"This ain't no dream..."

Legend tells of a yesterworld
a dreamscape of strange light
"It's your dream coming true"
Transcendance of the soul
All by the sign of the moon

I am eaten away in mouthfuls by flames
that burn in the errors of our ways
In a night when the sky floats blue
as touquoise, and the stars of silver are twinkling
in their outmost pride

Now from dimensions fallen from the skies
- like the flow of a stream
From my sleep I continue onward
- sleep is just a shape of destiny

Weak sunlight of dawns to come,
dancing swiftly in the shadows
Shimmering, shining in a landscape of dreams

...landscape of my dreams
Dim reflections of the pale
a shade of grey in mind

In the presence of the moon
an owl awakes and calls a name
tells a story of a world
accessable only at night...

"It's your reality..."

Legend tells of a yesterworld
a dreamscape of strange light
"It's much more than a dream"
Transcendance of the soul
All by the sign of the moon

Soon these worlds will be one
and mankind feasts on the sights of it all
I yearn for things to come

Still wrapped in the thrall of slumber
as the mist slippes away to reveal...
And the wind tears a scream from my lips
- I am there....

In the dreamscape I adore
(a moonclad reflection)

^ Yesterwold by Dark Tranquillity.
En Grind stod åpen, en rytter viste seg.
En Kald Take hadde lagt seg over marken.
Ni Svarte hester, og ni armerte menn.
Et øye stirret Olmt ned fra et flagg.

Stillhet senket seg, da følget stoppet opp,
de stoppet i en sirkel rundt en sten.
Stille red de mot den, og forsvant da de kom fram,
for Steiner var en tanke fylt av Kraft.

Stjerner på en himmel, som aldri faller ned.
Lysglimt i en natt som varer evig.
Tusen Kalde Vintre, med kun Kulde og Forakt.
Det finnes ingen sommer uten Vinter.

I en Gammel Skog, hvorhen troll og tusser vandret,
var en stein som rørte seg og ble til liv.
Ni armerte men, på ni grå stolte hester,
bar en fane hvorpå Øyet viste seg.

Ihver en natt er et nytt mørke.
Ihver en Vinter fryser jeg,
men dog Aldri skal jeg gråte,
for Stolt red jeg jo dengang,
ut av den dype skogen.

There is something extremly beautiful and sad about the song (En As I Dype Skogen) and the lyrics, and it conveys a dark longing of sorts which I in certain moods really can relate to. And besides, the main riff fcking godly.
One my favourite black metal tracks.
Erik said:
(I'm aware that this probably has extremely broken spelling)

Nah, that was mostly correct, apart from the lack of æøå's, of course. My vote goes to Emperor's "I Am The Black Wizards".

Mightiest am I, but I am not alone in this cosmos of mine. For the
black hills consists of black souls, souls that already dies one
thousand deaths. Behind the stone walls of centuries they breed their
black art. Boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold. Far up in
the mountains, where the rain fall not far, yet the sun cannot
reach. The wizards, my servants, summon the souls of macrocosm. No age
will escape my wrath. I travel through time and I return to the
future. I gather wisdom now lost. I visit again the eternally ancient
caves, before a mighty Emperor thereupon came. Watching the mortals
"discovering" my chronicles, guarded by the old demons, even unknown
to me. Once destroyed their souls are being summoned to my timeless
prison of hate. It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls
that was destroyed in my future. How many wizards that serve me with
evil. I know not. My empires has no limits. From the never ending
mountains black, to the bottomless lakes. I am the ruler and has been
for eternity's long. My wizards are many, but their essence is
mine. Forever there are in the hills in their stone homes of
grief. Because I am the spirit of their existence. I am them.

Some grammar errors, yes, but those lyrics paint INCREDIBLE images in my head.
I will choke until I swallow...
Choke this infant here before me.
What is this but my reflection?
Who am I to judge and strike you down?

But you're
Pushing and shoving me.
You still love me and you pushit on me.

Rest your trigger on my finger,
bang my head upon the fault line.
Take care not to make me enter.
'cause if I do we both may disappear.

But you're pushing me,
Shoving me. Pushit on me.

Slipping back into the gap again.
I'm alive when you're touching me,
Alive when you're shoving me down.

But i'd trade it all
For just a little bit of
Piece of mind.

Put me somewhere I don't wanna be.
Seeing someplace I don't wanna see.
Never wanna see that place again.

Saw that gap again today
As you were begging me to stay.
Managed to push myself away,
And you, as well.

If, when I say I may fade like a sigh if I stay,
You minimize my movement anyway,
I must persuade you another way.


Staring down the hole again.
Hands upon my back again.
Survival is my only friend.
Terrified of what may come.

Just remember I will always love you,
Even as I tear your fucking throat away.
But it will end no other way.
Cool, enjoy. That picture was taken about a year ago, my buddy and I were driving around and saw FAT GUY ON SMALL BIKE so we followed him in my truck and took several pictures. Then he got paranoid and ran away.

I haven't received the CD yet by the way, I'll let you know when I do.
Oh dismal mourning...
I open my weary eyes once again
My life has been left hollow and ashes have filled the gorge of my within
Last night I hoped and wished I'd die in my sleep but no catharsis was granted to
Will this pain ever pass?
The enchanting perfume of winter and the bleak, cold breath of her still haunts
Oportet ubique pulchritudinem evanescere

So half of me rode to the mountains and the other half soared high in the winds
to a place where the angels had fallen, the soil gagged and choked on their wings
My soul was the pale skyline that she stretched across the horizon
Two years had brought the fire that she paints upon my loathsome canvas

She is the dark one...
As a bird I watched her from my cold tower in the heavens
and when she fell from the northplace, I flew down and embraced her
I took her where the snow falls forever, she showed me the haunted woods
We gathered together in the oaken palace, free from both death and life
The fire blazed in her eyes one day and she tore the soul from my chest
With a bleeding heart, I flew back to my cold tower
to never escape and lie in a pool of death forever

I saw the nightfall...
It called to me like a river of shadows
It sang to me with the cries of a thousand ravens that blackened the sky as they
took flight
and sank the Sol
I shall never trust the sun again, Eridanis Nadir

I ran away far into the woods
To find the Sol, I called to her...
"I don't want to be forgotten...I never wanted to be human"

So alas the sun had descended, her fire burned brilliant in the sky
The trees bore their withered silhouettes, that cast a spell upon unearthly white
No wolf shall keep his secrets, no bird shall dance the skyline
And I am left with nothing but an oath that gleams like a sword
To bathe in the blood of man
Erik said:
Uh... That's probably 'cause I haven't, you know, sent it yet :erk:

I've been away from home for like almost a week, sorry about that, I'll get right on it.
Yeah that might be why I haven't seen it. :loco: Whenever you get a chance to send it, no worries.

Heard it from another room
Eyes were waking up just to fall asleep
Love’s like suicide
Dazed out in a garden bed
With a broken neck lays my broken gift
Just like suicide

And my last ditch
Was my last brick
Lent to finish her
Finish her

Bit down on the bullet now
I had a taste so sour
I had to think of something sweet
Love’s like suicide
Safe outside my gilded cage
With an ounce of pain
I wield a ton of rage
Just like suicide

With eyes of blood
And bitter blue
How I feel for you
I feel for you

She lived like a murder
How she’d fly so sweetly
She lived like a murder
But she died
Just like suicide

- and -

You fly, or rather float, drift
Through an enormous dark room
A room of noises

Endless shimmering glissandi
Crackling pizzicato
Coal black, turbulence holes of bass drones
But otherwise empty
No planets, no meteorites
If anything, perhaps fine dust clouds of exploded music

You float there, somewhere between pleasure and fear

In a piece of time you can't determine
You're everywhere but in the present
Hey you disappear further and further
Into these incalculable rooms
And your personality fades away

Your features evaporate, your body decomposes

And your last thought is that you have become a noise
A thin, nameless noise among all the others
Howling in the empty dark room

- also -

Heart still beating for the cause
Soul still feeding from the loss
Limbs are aching from the rush
You are fading from my sight
Break of morning, coldness lingers on
Shroud me into nightmares of the sun
I am moving closer to your side
You are luring me into the night
Who is crying for you here
I am dying fast inside your tears
Plunging towards bereavement faster yet
Clearing thoughts, my mind is set
Devious movements in your eyes
Moved me from relief
Breath comes out white clouds with your lies
And filters through me
You're close to the final word
You're staring right past me in dismay
A liquid seeps from your chest
And drains me away
Mist ripples round your thin white neck
And draws me a line
Cold fingers mark this dying wreck
This moment is mine
Help me cure you
Atone for all you've done
Help me leave you
As all the days are gone
Night fall again
Taking what's left of me
Slight twist, shivering corpse
Ornated with water, fills the cracks
Clasped in my lims by tradition
This is all you need

- finally -

*insert any At the Gates lyrics here*
Erik said:
Pre-album Dark Tranquillity fucking rules so endlessly. Gets far too little credit.



I will nevar end my quest in getting all of their pre-skydancer releases.
Erik said:
I have originals of "Moonclad", "Trail" and a copy of the Septic Broiler demo. :p

AWHF:LJSHFAKJL:SHLGEAWGLSADNV SDVNJ AS:DFLAJSF:OAHWOI:AHWO:TIHA:OSAKJGJ:KSHGL:KAJGHS:LGAHL:GSHL:AHG:JSHDAHS:JDHASDHASKRWR#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one!!11111111111111

I hate you.

Please sell me your Moonclad. I'll trade you a Vargnatt #666 for itttttt
One Inch Man said:
I will choke until I swallow...
Choke this infant here before me.
What is this but my reflection?
Who am I to judge and strike you down?

But you're
Pushing and shoving me.
You still love me and you pushit on me.

Rest your trigger on my finger,
bang my head upon the fault line.
Take care not to make me enter.
'cause if I do we both may disappear.

But you're pushing me,
Shoving me. Pushit on me.

Slipping back into the gap again.
I'm alive when you're touching me,
Alive when you're shoving me down.

But i'd trade it all
For just a little bit of
Piece of mind.

Put me somewhere I don't wanna be.
Seeing someplace I don't wanna see.
Never wanna see that place again.

Saw that gap again today
As you were begging me to stay.
Managed to push myself away,
And you, as well.

If, when I say I may fade like a sigh if I stay,
You minimize my movement anyway,
I must persuade you another way.


Staring down the hole again.
Hands upon my back again.
Survival is my only friend.
Terrified of what may come.

Just remember I will always love you,
Even as I tear your fucking throat away.
But it will end no other way.
Probably my favorite song of all fucking time but lyrically and probably second favorite ever would probably go to Bathory'sOne Rode To Asa Bay.

One man rode the way through the woods
Down to Asa bay
Where dragon ships had sailed to sea
More times than one could say
To see with own eyes the wonder
People told of from man to man
The God of all almightyness
Had arrived from a foreign land

The rumours told of a man
Who had come from the other side the seas
Carrying gold cross around neck in chain
And spoke in strange tongue of peace
He had come with strange men in armour
Dressed in purple shirts and lace
Smelling not of beer but flowers
And with no hair in face

And the bold man carrying cross
Had told all one of Asa bay
The God of all man woman child had come
To them all save
And to thank Lord of Heaven
One should build to God a house
And to save one's soul from Hell
One should be baptised and say vows

A man of pride with the Hammer told new God
To build his house on own
And spoke loud of the Gods of their fathers
Not too long time gone
The rumours said the man with a beard like fire
And the Hammer in chain
By men in armour silenced was and by
Their swords was slain

Those who did not pay the one coin
Of four to man of new God
Whipped was twenty and put in chains then locked
By their neck to the log (To the log...)
And so all of Asa bay did build
A house of the cross
Every hour of daylight they did sweat
Limbs ached because faith does cost

And on the day two hundred
There it stood white to the sky
The house of the God of the cross
Big enough to take two dragon ships inside
And all of Asa bay did watch
The wonder raise to the sky
Now must the God of the cross be pleased
And satisfied

Just outside the circle of the crowd
One old man did stand
He looked across the waters
And blotted the sun out of his eyes with one hand
And his old eyes could almost see
The dragon ships set sail
And his old ears could almost hear
Men of great numbers call out Oden's hail

And though he did know already
Though he turned face towards sky
And whispered silent words forgotten
Spoken only way up high
Now this house of a foreign God does stand
Now must they leave us alone
Still he heard from somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say
...people of Asa land, it's only just begun...

Erik said:
My favourite Darkthrone lyrics:
En Vind Av Sorg

Ooh yes, that one is awsome as well, and it also has a greakickasswinner riff in the same league as EAIDS.

All ysop burnt, all fruits are poisoned
Zaddik failed and Zebaoth lost,
The lambs are banished, the temple is soiled
March on white ruin, infernal host

So come forth, Lord of the triple number
Rise, oh trinity of DEATH, DEATH and DEATH
Burn this vermin world in its most deep slumber
And to all of Sheob, give the sulphur breath

Blacken all their ghastly colours
And freeze to scorn their charity warmth
Smear our sin to their most pure innocense
And nail them all to the cross!

For they live to die, we die to live
Our beginning is their end!
While they fall with twelve, we rise with seven
So wake the astral serpent by Thy pale hand!

All ysop burnt, all fruits are poisened
Adonai failed and Elohim lost
The lambs are slaughtered, our temple shines golden
Crawl on your ruin, seraphic host ...

And my tongue speaks ancient names
Forbidden psalms above the flames
My heart pumps but void into my veins
My puls runs slow, too slow for chains
For chains that tie me down to earth
For chains that keep up this organic curse

...for I see horns...
...golden horns...
...for I see horns…

All lyrics on Casus Luciferi are excellent, blackened poetry at it's finest.
Bathory - Song to Hall Up High
I know you watch over me
Father of all the past
And all that will ever be
You are the first and the last

The watcher of all that lives
The guardian of all that died

The one-eyed God way up high
Who rules my world and the sky

Northern wind take my song up high
To the Hall of glory in the sky
So its gates shall greet me open wide
When my time has come to die


Woods of Ypres - The Allure of the Earth
The sun taunts you
In everything you do
Like a substance that works for everyone else
But has no effect on you

It shines for places
You’ll never go
It shines for people
You’ll never know

You believe that in your entire life
You will never feel
What it’s like

So you turn away
Dream about an escape
A hole in the earth deep and cool
That you could climb down into

I despise the rising
Of the upsetting sun
I’ll hide away
Until the day is done

I’ll exclude myself
A few months of every year
To avoid the drama
Of the sun, sweat and tears

You could fall away
And no one would know
Release the tension of holding on
Feel the high of letting go

So you turn away
Elude the pressures of the sun
Go find your place in the shade
Far away from everyone

It’s so easy to get your fill
When the engine turns and pushes in the dirt
It’s so easy to be satisfied
When all you want to do is lay down and die

The Allure of the Earth
Those dreams can come true
When you make a deal with the earth
Who says…
“Here’s what I can do for you…”

The Allure of the Earth
When you are through with trying
When you are tired and days are long
Letting go seems so inviting

The Allure of the Earth
The desire to give up
It is the encouragement
When you are discouraged

The Allure of the Earth
When the urges aren’t worth fighting
The temptations on the great beyond
Become so exciting


Katatonia - Nerve (also, the rest of Discouraged Ones except Distrust)
High white ways
Shattered by rain
Pale dead walls
Nerves pushed in pain
Red light faced
Mirrors of the dead
People in the archways
Eyes full of lead

Always closing down myself
Lower sights and never see
Worlds of noise and worlds of light
Expecting not to be
Not close enough for you
To hear a breath or steal a sigh
But just close enough for me
To take a step and pass you by
The Chaos Path

Await the coming storm. Behold the sign in the sun.
Chaos upon us spawn! The arrows of time pinpoints us all.
Oh, well the maddening laughter growing louder with the memories.
Atoms like incense rising, like a thousand candles all blown out
at once.
Fear tangled with despair.This ghastly symphony of malice breaks it.
The spirit sails out on waters. An intergalactic sea of sorrow.
Solemn oblivion with thee.

Ways of darkness.
The third eye reflects the images of vast reluctant pasts.
Ethereal eternity awaits the final act.
It crawls toward the altar destinied to collaps.
Tragic legend, eerie stratum.

Twisted, this mortal flesh evoked again, with echoes still haunting;
The curses chanting.
Embrace the outcast state of chaos. After all its unalterable.
Beweep this thought, then arise with wisdom,
Nowhen I hallow in the gateway of different plains.
Open your heart and let go. Oh Vanish. Divine infinity.

Ah, this wraith I am. So many aeons ago since.
Ah I suffer eternally. The inevitable did unfold.
Oh well, a collection of particles held together
by the force of a soul and its memory.
Be warned (you stand) on the edge of infinity;
Where coloured waves will lead the way into the void.
Fear tangled with despair. This ghastly symphony of malice.
Oh well the maddening laughter growing louder with memories now.
Atoms like incense thing.

Ways of darkness.
The third eye reflects the images of vast reluctant pasts.
Ethereal eternity awaits the final act.
You are drawn towards the altar destined to collaps.
Tragic legend, eerie stratum.

In between the arrows of time I suffer eternally.
Dark Tranquillity - A bolt of blazing gold
[lyrics: Sundin]

A bolt of blazing gold,
lifted from the horizon's edge
Another radiant dawn sends new hope,
avowed my hearty pledge
My yearning to be part
of nature's truthful solitude
Of wisdom's inner light
that shines in mystic multitude
The guiding source within,
so few of us will ever know
And few will ever climb
the great world-tree from which we've grown
But those who seek will find
the rhythm that vibrates high and far
And rearrange the cosmic threads,
the pattern of the Weave of Stars

A bolt of blazing gold,
a sunfire in zenith hurled
Oh, wingless skydancer,
rejoiced upon the warmth unfurled
What wonders do you hold ensnared
with your mighty heart?
What secrets may be mine
to brother-share as we depart?

Of richest emerald forged,
my soul still rises, longingly
From inferno's winding caverns,
through dark air soaring, restlessly
If silence was enough!
No words can grasp my starkest thoughts
No language known to man
portrays my naked sentiment

A bolt of blazing gold,
swallowed by the waveless sea
The ocean-winds set sail,
in breeze towards their destiny
On solarbeams they rode,
white sea-gull-wings in harmony
For a moment's startling glimpse
a sienna-burnt tranquility

Oh father of the coloured sky,
unwear thy robe of shadowhood
Let nature's soul once clash again
'neath blooming glades of goldenwood

We're the ones who seek
to dance to fallen serenades
The magic hymns of gold;
as softly sung, the sunlight fades

Of richest emerald forged,
my soul still rises, longingly
From inferno's winding caverns,
through dark air soaring, restlessly
If silence was enough!
No words can grasp my starkest thoughts
No language known to man
portrays my naked sentiment

A world of silent stone,
as frozen in the nightly sky
In heaven's dark recesses laid,
no living soul draws nigh
For seconds all is still,
no moonlight heaves throughout the dark
Nor do the heavens breathe,
no dryads wreathe within the dark

Within my dark domain...

Death - Empty words
Lyrics: Schuldiner

Ashes and promises share a bond
Through the winds of change
Words are blown away
When visions that should be
Are tattooed in your mind
The power to let go
Is sometimes hard to find

The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others
Or the words of a trained mind
In a precious world of memories
We find ourselves confined

Claws so razor sharp
Ripping at the spirit

Promises a potential to hurt
Is anything real?
When forever is to be until
Deep inside, in the world of empty words...
No escaping from those haunting
empty words...

[Solo: Schuldiner]

Do you ever feel it?
A craving that is so strong
To by thought rewind in order to find

Expectations that shined through the doubt
That soon would turn into the price
Of what a word will be worth
When tomorrow comes
To be and we are left
Standing on our own-
And seeing what is real...

The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others
Or the words of a trained mind
In a precious world of memories
We find ourselves confined

Claws so razor sharp
Ripping at the spirit

[Repeat chorus]