the heaviest song of all time

"A Night on Bald Mountain"- Modest Mussorgsky

uh huh that's right


"you gonna get raped"
Look, King Crimson can shit right off because I already told you, the only KING in CRIMSON that belongs in this topic is BRUCE DICKINSON "KING IN CRIMSON" the undisputed fucking heavyweight champion of heavy fucking metal. Black Sabbath can FUCK RIGHT OFF EXIT STAGE LEFT because noone FUCKS with King in Crimson. It is unfuckable with. Heavier than a boatload of boatloads of anvils. Posers BEWARE.
I've heard some songs that make elephant balls look light weight, but probably VItal Remains' Dechristianize or Bathory's Blood Fire Death
Erik said:
No, because while "Electric Funeral" might have been the heaviest song ever in 1972, it SURE AS FUCK ISN'T ANYMORE

What about Black-Fucking-Sabbath! That one can still be held side-by-side with modern day standards. Now THAT is saying something; for it to be the heaviest way back then, being the INNOVATOR, and still being able to be side-by-side with bands 35+ years later who just build on the model created by Sabbath.
Doomcifer said:
What about Black-Fucking-Sabbath! That one can still be held side-by-side with modern day standards.
Nuh-uh. Say what you want, but if a recent doom band released that today it would seem fucking tame.
i mean really

yeah sure the first black sabbath riff is evil and metal and heavy but people write more sinister stuff all the fucking time now and especially more BONE CRUSHINGLY WEIGHTY RIFFS OF IMMENSE POWER +240 (like oh say KING IN FUCKING CRIMSON?!)

there is nothing particularly special or extreme about black sabbath the song taken out of historical context, and if you think there is, here's about 35 years' worth of heavy metal releases (about 100 000) for education, have fun
this thread is totally gay and lying because i'm the only one to mention soundgarden - 4th of july


i mean i play bass, and i play it deep. but kim thayil WHOOPS MY FUCKING ASS (on guitar no less) LIKE NO TOMORROW.

or something.
Erik said:
i mean really

yeah sure the first black sabbath riff is evil and metal and heavy but people write more sinister stuff all the fucking time now and especially more BONE CRUSHINGLY WEIGHTY RIFFS OF IMMENSE POWER +240 (like oh say KING IN FUCKING CRIMSON?!)

there is nothing particularly special or extreme about black sabbath the song taken out of historical context, and if you think there is, here's about 35 years' worth of heavy metal releases (about 100 000) for education, have fun
The thread talks about the "heaviest song ever". If you judge everything, thinking its relevance to the period it was released, Black Sabbath is the winner of everything that is heavy/unholy/sinister etc.
Erik said:
and even if it was about "most brutal" i doubt those pansies in gayo dot could produce anything more brutal than PLEASURE TO FUCKING KILL

leave the hall

god damn nad said:
this is very good. tell me a classic coroner album to pick up.

OMGWTFBBQ!? Nad wanting Thrash! I thought you where mega-jaded on Thrash or somthing?

Well needless to say *manly war hug* for Coroner-getting.