the heaviest song of all time

hahahaha that rules.

yeah i'll keep an eye out for coroner in the used bin. i am jaded on thrash but that cover is pretty impressive, so yeah.
i have no idea, but when I think "heavy", I think Pelican's Australasia, Neurosis' TImes of Grace, stuff from D666, Black Sabbath, and THe Chasm.

When I think "brutal", latter Aeternus always comes to mind.
HEAVY for me means heavy riffs played slowly with hanging notes that still form a fluid melody you can hum, i.e. Trouble - The tempter and Candlemass - The demons gate (dun du du dun...).
Erik said:
now there's just about the first suggestion in the thread i can respect

and it came, from all people, me ... that should throw your head in a tailspin :lol:
dudes, seriously. who knows the soundgarden song i mentioned earlier?

it's like in a realm so low satan says "god damn you crazy kids play some deep shit these days" concerning it.

were i not so drunk and stoned right now, i'd upload them shitz.
oh shit! i really really wanted to hear that song again but i went to my itunes and realized i don't have superunknown ripped for some reason! kinda like i recently realized i don't have piece of mind ripped either! fucking hell! i've had both of those albums for for-fucking-evar!

but still, victory!!!!
hmm...i was at a hockey game last night and they played some soundgarden and i thought about this thread. (read: i'm on this forum too much)