Palabra de Dios
Heavy Metal Weatherman
And they picked the correct Electric Wizard album. Once "Funeropolis" comes on, it's a goddamn doom fest.
I don't think this list is all that terrible....there are a few WTF moments in The Beatles, Slipknot, etc but Electric Wizard and Sleep would probably make my list too.
Dissection - Reinkaos = Heaviest album of all time.
$ End-of-thread encountered.
(I swear you could use mine as a boat-anchor.)
Nope....Winter is pretty close to being one of the objectively right answers...
I pretty much agree with every album on this list being heavier than anything ever made.
edit: okay not Machine Head.
I Call Shenanigans! Burn My Eyes is infinitely heavier than any Beatles album. I don't give a flying rat's ass what their 'criteria' for 'heavy' was.
And also, WTF?! No Testament "The Gathering"!? Bullshit!
BTW, I saw some random Slipknot hate. Iowa is easily one of the heaviest albums of all time, whether you like Slipknot or not.
Don't give him troll food. Ignore him.
Reading is your friend dude. The context for why they felt that Beatles album is supremely heavy is justified.
they took how heavy a guitar could sound to new peaks of weightiness, with a fuzzy tone that is still heavier than most metal bands.