Is Mindcrime considered to be the greatest metal album of all time?

has anyone mentioned Hanneman's heroin problem yet? seriously though, how does that dude function?
GOD DAMN you know that part in Spirit in Black during the thrash part where it goes silent except for the *CHINK CHINK* of Lombardo's hi-hats?

that just happened.

JayKeeley said:
Well, if you really listen to it, as opposed to skipping through tracks like you do all your music, keep an ear out for Lombardo's drumming on "Seasons..." because if that doesn't sound like his heart was in it then I don't know what to tell you.

ok seriously this time

look dude I've listened to all slayer albums enough to know what i'm talking about. yeah i'm basically just half trolling you about the megadeth thing but slayer. seasons is ok, but to these ears it sounds like a sure sign of a band heading downhill fast. it's not very coherent, song quality goes up and down, and when they thrash the aggression seems half assed. it's still worth having, i mean shit i even bought divine intervention, but seasons sure as fuck aint no SHOW NO MERCY.

also yeah i'm sure LOMBARDO'S HEART was in it but it doesn't sound like the BAND was at their peak so to speak. i think we've already discussed the value of having a full band sounding like a unit in this thread.

oh and lombardo's heart was apparently SO MUCH IN IT that he had to LEAVE THE BAND for fear of EXHAUSTION! or sth.
i got it for like uuuh maybe $5 or $6 from J. together with the other two early ones + South of Heaven because J. is fucking gay and hates slayer.
Erik said:
seasons sure as fuck aint no SHOW NO MERCY.

See, to me, that's a good thing. :loco:

But you know me, I like latter 80's thrash over the '83 to '85 era because it sounded mature and more established as "metal" music, as opposed to "thrash" music.

I'm talking about song structures, riff changes, real percussion, etc.

Haha, damn the Skyclad printers and their upside down printing on the sleeve thingy.
oh man now i have to decide whether it's time for bed or time for one more beer. sorta feeling sick and sleepy aka GAY.
Yeah, I just realized...Divine Intervention was pretty ace too. Yeah yeah, RIBpt.2 that's what they all say. "Killing Fields" and "Sex. Murder. Art." plus a handful of sick tracks. I like that album.
I love boobies said:
haha, even i don't own Haunting the Chapel. :loco:

$15.98 for 4 songs? FUUUUUUUCK YOU

Or $1.95 on

There's a slight catch, however:

Condition downgrade reflects marginally acceptable CD with multiple surface abrasions along with an almost imperceptible skip on "Chemical Warfare" and light roughness to front insert; Seller's Commentary: the less discriminating buyer will find this to be an ideal rough copy (to loan out, play in a car, etc.) offered at a bargain basement price
Well you know if "maturity" is the same as "tiredness" then count me the fuck out

Oh and NAD it's "THRASH 'TIL DEATH" i mean obviously. :loco:

Haha, damn the Skyclad printers and their upside down printing on the sleeve thingy.
Yeah I fucken hate it when that happens.

actually i think one of my Slayer reissues has all those tunes on it. i don't know, but either way i've heard those songs like 32985325 times so they are all committed to memory. i remember the first time i heard Haunting the Chapel on tape all i could think was "man, that snare drum suuuuuuucks." :tickled:
The power of a gun
Used with conviction
Diffused compulsions
Unending repercussions

Violent emotion
Screaming revolution
Spasmic convulsions
Death an empty gun

*insert one of the most AMAZING RIFFS EVARR!!!*

alright dudes i'm off to bed.
Erik said:
Well you know if "maturity" is the same as "tiredness" then count me the fuck out

It's not the same thing, but whatever floats your boat.

In the meantime:

Seventh Son > s/t
Justice > Kill em All
Master of Reality > s/t
Hvis Lyset Tar Oss > s/t

and of course,

Rust in Peace > *.*