Best Timmy moments on Passions!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Here are my top 3!

3. When Kaye caught him running around the backyard pushing a little trampoline yelling "I'll save you Charity!" as she was flying above him.

2. When he rigged the Prom King/Queen voting on the prom boat, and they read the results and said most votes went to someone called "Timmy" and who the hell is that? Hahaha!

1. Easily my fave, when he daydreamed about becoming famous if him and Tabitha get found out... and he was sitting around a pool drinking exotic drinks with girls in bikinis around him and island music hahhahaha! Couldn't stop laughing! And magazine covers were flashing up on the screen with his picture and headlines like "Timmy: Living The High Life" HAHA!

:lol: What a true champion.
You must watch the show, it is great. Timmy is the little doll that belongs to the witch and comes to life, as seen in Koichi's avatar ;)
I remember watching this program ages ago when I visited Sydney from Melb for Aus Music Week conferance and there was a bunch of us from my school sitting around the hostel playing drinking games whilst watching this.....One was we had to skull our beer every time the witch woman and Timmy came on. then skull a vodka everytime Timmy turned back to a doll.:rolleyes:
Hahahaha. It's the greatest show ever.

Completely hilarious on a "So bad that it's good" level, and also the storylines become very addictive! :)
Bold & The Beautiful is better than The Young & The Restless and Days Of Our Lives (although TY&TR has the best theme song ever haha), but Passions rules supreme by far ;)