Best way to hang foam?


May 23, 2005
St Louis
Friend gave me about 20 of those square foot auralex foam panels and large wall sized sheets of foam. Siad he used that auralex glue to hang them, but the back of a lot of them are ripped up and it ripped up the paint on the wall some when removing them. Did he just use it wrong, or is there a good way to hang these things while keeping them removable without damage?
Mount them on foamcore or thin plywood and then hang that on the wall. Otherwise it will rip and make your walls a bitch to repaint when you take it down.
this... +1
did the same.. drilled 3 holes into the plywood and hang them onto the wall just like a picture frame, worked like a charme
I used "T-Pins" that you can get at a craft store or anywhere that sells fabric. If the room ever needs remodeling or to be repurposed the clean up is simple and you didn't ruin anything.
Because the Auralex foam pads only dampen high end, I would not use ply wood as it will do more damage to comb filtering in lower frequencies as it can be very reflective. Instead, glue to foam to sturdy wire mesh. Then to mount them, you can get some sticky plastic hangers used for hanging up Christmas lights. Some fishing line through the mesh will hold it right in place, just like a picture frame. You could also suspend some off the ceiling leaving a 12" gap between the foam and ceiling.