Best way to import ProTools session in Cubase ?


Oct 2, 2010
Toulouse, France

A band asked me to mix their EP, because they're not satisfied with the mix the "tracking guy" did.
The problem is that this "tracking guy" works on Pro Tools, and I'm a Cubase user.

It's a big unique PT session with the 4 songs inside, and I need only the raw material (don't care about his mix, just need the takes).
I don't think the first guy is very serious and I expect the project to be a total mess regarding cuts, punch ins/out and even the tracks organisation.
That's why I'd rather avoid an audio export.

Is an OMF export a reliable way between ProTools and Cubase ?
If not, is there any other reliable way ?

I've heard about SSL ProConvert but it's a bit expensive, especially for using it just one time.
get him to consolidate and export all the audio.
Alternatively. Ask one of the many pro tools users on here nicely.
Buy an Mbox Micro - fairly cheap. Get all the PT projects off him, and open it up on your DAW in PTLE, and fix all the edits yourself, then consolidate.
Yeah, I can't ask him to consolidate, I'm afraid of the results.
Anyway I can't ask too many things to the first guy, you understand why... I'll mix the project instead of him, so I don't think he'll be OK to work on consolidating and exports.
I think it's the reliable way, I still can ask for that.

Is OMF export totally bullshit ?
Do you guys already tested that between 2 DAW?

Drew Drummer -> good idea but I can't spend 200€ for that.
Yeah, I can't ask him to consolidate, I'm afraid of the results.
Anyway I can't ask too many things to the first guy, you understand why... I'll mix the project instead of him, so I don't think he'll be OK to work on consolidating and exports.
I think it's the reliable way, I still can ask for that.

Is OMF export totally bullshit ?
Do you guys already tested that between 2 DAW?

Drew Drummer -> good idea but I can't spend 200€ for that.

Having even some kind of PT compatibility in your studio will save you lots of trouble in the long run.
Is OMF export totally bullshit ?
Do you guys already tested that between 2 DAW?

Is the guy running PT HD with DigiTranslator or LE with at least the DV toolkit? IIRC OMF functionality doesn't come with the basic version of LE/M-Powered. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If he is, nothing stops you from trying that. I've used it a couple of times (though only opening OMF files on PT) and sometimes it's worked like a charm, sometimes I've had some trouble.
I have no idea what the guy is using :(
I've just ask the band to give me audio exports for just one song, and I'll see what they'll provide me and if there is serious issues or not.

Thanks for the MBox mini thing, I consider buying one when I'll have some extra money.
It can be a great help in the future.