Best way to program song with 90+ different audio samples? (Reaper or Logic)?


Mar 1, 2009
I'm making an song while utilizing heaps of audio samples that are chopped up into tiny pieces. I have previously used Reason with a NN-XT instrument that i made so that I can use this many samples. The bummer is that the NN-XT just uses a piano roll and programming with this many samples is a gigantic pain since the keys are not labeled.

I took a look at Logic. This has a completely more intuitive way of programming while using Ultrabeat. However, to my knowledge this is just a 64 step sequencer. So composing an entire song has to be done in a bunch of little parts.

If the Ultrabeat can be extended to map out an entire song in one long sequence please tell me how to do this please.

Now, Reaper looks like what i need. However, creating a drum map is confusing me. I want to load a different sample into each midi note. All of the information that I have found have been about SSD or Superior Drummer maps, not custom drum maps.

Thank you for any help.
look into using the EXS in logic for playing samples, i find it much more flexible then ultrabeat. although it can get kinda involved, i think that may be what you are looking for
yes yes, depending on what you are doing, importing all the audio into the arrange MAY not be a bad idea. set up markers for each sample, and use the "move playhead to next marker" command. but i could only see how that would be good for live sound samples, not..... "programming beat samples"

On Reaper you can use ReaSampleOmatic (included VSTi) that allows you to put a sample and select paramaters, like which midi note is going to trigger it, but you can only load one sample to each instance. It might be better to just drag the samples to the timeline, depending on the case. Anyway, there should be tons of free VSTi where you can load more samples and assign MIDI notes to them, just google it.