Best/Worst album covers in Metal/Rock

Narrowed it down to ones in my own music collection (I know there's a lot worse covers).


You guys don't think a shiny guy with the metal 6 pack and the little boots, riding a big snake thing is a little gay? :lol:

The 6-pack Painkiller-dude is the fallen angel based on the fallen angel from sad wings of destiny. The "snake" is a dragon, which forms the front of a motorcycle metal machine with a dragon as a body and circular saws as wheels.

The Manowar album contains nothing more than a few oiled up hairy bodies, dressed in leather underwear and fake fur?

I'll let you decide which is more gay :)
I can't honestly believe anyone is saying the cover of Painkiller isn't gay. I mean, why defend it? Priest are about as camp as metal bands come, and proud of it (I assume) and that cover just makes it plain. YOU might say it's some fallen angel from some other cover, I think it's meant to symbolize Rob, the "metal god" (which he is, no denying it) riding the snake(the snake being a cock).
Because our opinions of Judas Priest may be different than yours? :rolleyes:

You appear to be some kind of idiot who never seems to grasp what I'm saying and posts "rolleye" emoticons every time I say anything because you're too fucking stupid to get the point. Why don't you go back and reply again to the thread where you corrected me for saying Pantera ARE a glam rock band?
You appear to be some kind of idiot who never seems to grasp what I'm saying and posts "rolleye" emoticons every time I say anything because you're too fucking stupid to get the point. Why don't you go back and reply again to the thread where you corrected me for saying Pantera ARE a glam rock band?

I post the "rolleyes" because everything you say is STUPID AS FUCK.

"Why defend it?" Youre telling me theres more to grasp here? Youre asking why are we defending the cover and im telling you not everyone thinks its gay.

Dumb faggot.

That Pantera one looked like some fricken 10 year old got out his crayons and went to work.


That Wrathchild America one isn't too bad except the typography is utter gash.

I want a tshirt of that Pantera cover.