Best & Worst movies of the far....

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Phone Booth
Matrix Reloaded
28 Days Later(saw it twice. very good)
Cabin Fever
Kill Bill vol. 1

Honourable mentions:
The Italian Job(incredible movie!)
House of 1000 Corpses
X-Men 2

Anger Management
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Once Upon a Time in Mexico(though Johnny Depp is great in the film)
I must say I had little expectation when going to see Cabin Fever, but I was pleasantly surprised!

They took a generic plot and turned it on it's ear and made something pretty cool out of it.

Some of my favorite films this year.
Kill Bill
Cabin Fever
28 days later ( although it was a little slow, it's still pretty cool )

Some shitty movies this year
The Hulk
Once upon a time in Mexico ( could be the worst film I've seen )

I am sure there are others in both catagories I have not added, if I remember them I will post them later.
yeah exactly...anybody who saw Gigli should be shot...

I don't know about any good movies...I don't go the movie theaters a lot

I prefer IFC and Sundance