best, worst things of the day?

Best: no more work now until 4th Jan!!!!
worst: I stupidly went and had a look at the hognose snake in the store down the road yesterday and fell in love, now I'm trying to convince myself that I really can't buy it :(
huhahaha, school.. i wish i could still go to school and not work. you know, come home and play the guitar. go out with friends and get drunk. but a paycheck is good too.
good thing of my day: going back home in 2 hours
wors thing: uhm actually nothing, until now it's all good:)
worst: cleaning, lots and lots of cleaning
best: well fingers crossed the weather stays decent enough for me to go to the park and do some conditioning for gymnastics. Either way, later I get to see my lovely Godson :)
i'm realy sad today and listening to sentenced.
Don't worry Wiki, I'm sure it will all work out for you. Your sister will love you no matter what. I have some personal issues to deal at the moment too and I've been listening to Firewind to cheer myself up. It doesn't make things go away but listening to Firewind takes my mind off things for a while, and they make me happy :)
Don't worry Wiki, I'm sure it will all work out for you. Your sister will love you no matter what. I have some personal issues to deal at the moment too and I've been listening to Firewind to cheer myself up. It doesn't make things go away but listening to Firewind takes my mind off things for a while, and they make me happy :)

I'll give it a try, thanks.
Whats bothering you deb?
I didnt tell it, right before i wanted to say it she said something about gay people not being normal:(. So i thought i better dont tell it. so i'm realy sad today and listening to sentenced.

People say some pretty stupid things when they're not thinking, chances are she really didn't mean it, you should tell her, get it out in the open, it's got to be better than keeping it all inside and worrying about it, I'm sure she'll surprise you with her understanding :)
And as Deb said, listen to Firewind, Head Up High always puts a smile on my face. I remember walking home after visiting my friend in hospital who was in a coma. It was clear she wasn't going to wake up and they were going to make the decision as to whether or not to turn off her life support the next day. I remember walking home and it just taking everything in me to not completely break down in the street. Head Up High came on my mp3 player and it gave me that little bit of hope, gave me a bit of strength for a while. It always amazes me the effect music can have. Even now that song reminds me of Sami and I always smile at my memories of her when I hear it.

Deb, hope you're okay hun x
Whats bothering you deb?

Me? I have a close family member who is in the final stages of a terminal illness, leukemia........things have just taken a sudden turn for the worse, although there has been a gradual decline over recent months..........they are in hospital right now.......but things aren't looking too good at the if I disappear anytime over the next few weeks, I haven't deserted you, I will still be here in spirit.....

Thank you Wiki for asking and Katie for your kind words :)