Worst Possible News You Could Think Of?

Reaping Clarity

The Grimmest Reaper
Sep 5, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
If you don't understand the thread title, basically I'm asking what's the worst possible news you can think of in relation to metal that would piss you off/sadden you the most? (Note, that its hypothetical and not something that has actually happened.)

The worst possible thing I could think of: My favourite bands all touring together (Insomnium, Agalloch, Summoning, Behemoth, Swallow The Sun, Daylight Dies and Amon Amarth) are all travelling on the same plane...BIG PLANE :rolleyes: and it crashes, killing them all. If this happened I honestly don't think I could go on living...:cry:
if devin townsend died

if loomis or dane left nevermore

if bal sagoth broke up

if there was a terrorist attact at a huge festival like wacken or something

if cd's become obsolete because of music downloading
emperor breaking up

well, since that already happened. maybe enslaved or borknagar breaking up