best, worst things of the day?

Ooooh, so best and worst.


Worst: I feared for my life at like 4am as a taxi driver kept telling me I was beautiful and wanted me to go for a drink with him. Also, I have sunburn on my face!!!! Stupid Athens. Errr, I slept in the airport. Also....I have 5-6 hours to kill til my plane to Glasgow!

xx Kirsty
u saw iron maiden plane? that's nice!

so you got a sunburn on your face??? don't blame athens, you slept in the airport!!!! it's only april for gods sake!!!

Best: Nothing bad happened today!

Worst: Nothing especially good happened today!! routine.
so it was just a regular day...ok.
best thing: IT'S FRIDAY!!
worst thing: in 2 weeks, there will be a ton of testing at school :erk:
I blame Athens because of the march they had which meant I had to stand in the sun for like 4 hours! It was like 23 degrees according to the wee thing that tells the temperature. And I'm not used to that kinda heat. My face is all red >.<

xx Kirsty
Worst thing today hmm....oh i have 0 money now :erk: best is that i actully learned smt new at work today woho!!!
And just a week before my exams, something in my house wants to kill me :D
3 years ago the day before my bacalauréat (=A levels in England) my hair dryer tried to kill me, but it died in my hands, I survived :p the killer doesn't want me to have diploma...
Next week I stay in my bedroom and just go downstairs to eat -_-

Time to leave...
Maybe someone died in my house and that was before an exam or that was someone stupid and the ghost doesn't want people who live in the house to do exams :u-huh: something weird is going on here.

I'm going to bed with my cat, nothing can happen with him, he will defend me if the ghost try to kill me during my sleep :Smug: and after the pancake with white chocolate and dark chocolate icecream and sauce I will sleep well :)
And I swear I will stop reading ghosts stories :p
Best thing: Didn't have to go to work til 6pm instead of 2pm.

Worst: My hand is now in a cast and it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay itchy. I want to kill myself. Not really. But I want to SCREAM.

xx Kirsty
poor thing :( take care of yourself, don't do anything else to bring about another accident!

lucky for me i never broke a bone, so i don't know the agony of casts.
God you're lucky. I am the most accident prone person EVER.

It's probably cos I do silly things a lot. Like today in work me and my friends Lindsay, Emma, Katie and Ross decided it would be a good idea to have a sack race using bin bags.

We went into a cinema screen that was empty and created the course. We stepped into our bin bags and went along the back row, down all the stairs, round the front row, back up the stairs and back along the back row to the exit. I was like 3rd ^_^ I almost fell over like 3 times and Emma fell over after she got out her bin bag and was jumping up and down and slid on the bag which she'd dropped on the floor.

Good times. I love my work. We also put water in a rubber glove so that it looked like it was giving the middle finger then put it in the ice cream freezer! Many roflcopters were let loose!

xx Kirsty