best, worst things of the day?

best thing of the weekend: listening to two (very drunk) Welsh lancastrians being out-chanted by a group of 15 (even more drunk) yorkshire folk

"give me an L"
*crowd* "L)
"Fuck off wales!!!!"

hehe oh the drunken fools :p

worst thing: almost crashing my car
so i've gone from 'ooh i bruised my shoulder in the crash' to 'fuck! i've screwed up my collar bone again, please God don't let this take long to heal, i'll cry without my pole dancing'

but best thing of the day, my car survived completely intact and my dad found something that had broken before so i can get it fixed before it does real damage.... so it was actually a good thing for my car....
Haha. I'll tell you about what happened to me the other day and why I haven't been online in a while!

I was sitting on my computer chair on Thursday and me and Alan were carrying on and he pulled my computer chair round (he was sitting on the edge of the bed) and I flew off the seat (SLIDY SILK CUSHION!!!) and fell onto my knees and Alan's knee collided with my boob and I SOMEHOW managed to hurt my thumb (the one in cast). So I had to go to the hospital. They kept me in til Friday dinner time because of the bad bruising of my ribs and some other jazz. You should see the bruise I still have even now! Holy fuck!

I went to my friends the Friday night and got stoned and lost my passport >.<

Then I was working Saturday, I went out afterwards, got my drink spiked, was ridiculously unwell the next day, went to work anyway, got 8 out of 8 for my weekly review and got sent home after 45 minutes because I was puking in the toilets. Went to Alan's mums, watched Gladiators, slept, felt better, ordered Chinese and went home.

Overall bad point: LOSING PASSPORT.

It means I can't go to Graspop unless I get it sorted ASAP!!!!!! What should I do? And it's £72 for a new one :( URGH!

xx Kirsty
good thing: burried the hatches with my old friend... my recent ex-girl send me a message, but nothing special... i'm not responding...

bad thing: i went to a betting shop and don't have that much cash... :lol::lol: