Between Slayer & Sepultura and Brutal DM


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
My brain is numb so help me out here....looking for general mid-paced riff crunching metal, with LOTS of tempo changes (particularly those mid-tempo half time changes which shouldn't be this much of a rarity for the love of goat). Where is it all?

Here are some natural progressions from what Slayer (RiB, SoH, SotA) and Sepultura (Schizo, BtR, Arise) might have previously specialized in:

PESTILENCE (except perhaps Spheres)
VADER (especially Revelations)
AMON AMARTH (maybe the early stuff)
BOLT THROWER (maybe generally)

KREATOR - Coma of Souls & Violent Revolution

Any others? There should be loads, and I might already even own some, but it's worth sharing some ideas 'cos this is the kind of mood I'm in these days.
How many times I have to tell you .... DECAPITATED !!!!

Also try SCEPTIC ... another polish band that sounds like Kreator/Death.
I'll just list a lot of mid-paced stuff from all genres. I'm probably way off from what you're actually looking for with some of these, but:

Acid Bath

A lot of them aren't death or thrash, but they do have the crunchy riffs you seek.
lurch70 said:
How many times I have to tell you .... DECAPITATED !!!!
Yeah sure, but how can they be mid-paced when you described them in that other thread as "fucking relentless and brutal". I'm trying to go for something inbetween. Having said that, I am interested in Nihility but does it fit this thread?
Corrosion of Conformity
Queens of the Stone Age
Monster Magnet
Hypocrisy (the self-titled album, 4th Dimension, and maybe Into the Abyss too, but you already have their best example with Abducted)

All but Hypocrisy are more to the rock side of things, obviously, and don't necessarily have a bunch of tempo changes.
Time to pull some Hypocrisy and Hollenthon off the shelf then.

Thing is, are Arise and Beneath the Remains that much of a pair of standout albums? I mean, seriously, didn't anyone even bother cloning these? Why are there 10 zillion Morbid Angel clones, and yet nobody even came close to making Dead Embryonic Cells part deux? You know what I'm sayin?

I'm going to assume you have Speak English or Die, but you should pick up Bigger Than the Devil as well. If you don't have either one, go get them both!!!

S.O.D. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Anthrax
(sorry Evil C :D )
Yeah sure, but how can they be mid-paced when you described them in that other thread as "fucking relentless and brutal". I'm trying to go for something inbetween. Having said that, I am interested in Nihility but does it fit this thread?
Haha ... relentless and brutal in the old school sense ... not in the Watchmaker, Goatsblood sense :) ... I know you are from the same school as me.

Here is a Sceptic track:

Here is a Decapitated track (something off NIHILITY .. but shitty quality off Earache's site)

There were also a couple of more German bands from the heydays that are worth tracking down that did the Kreator ripoff pretty well.
ASSASSIN, DEATHROW, ARTILLERY and some others i cannot think of right now.
lurch70 said:
Haha ... relentless and brutal in the old school sense ... not in the Watchmaker, Goatsblood sense :) ... I know you are from the same school as me.
True dat. I should have more faith in you old school boyz. :cool:

Oh yeah, I like this. I'd like to hear more though. Vocals are 'blackened' and the guitar solo is excellent. Melody over extreme thrash. Me likey.

Here is a Decapitated track (something off NIHILITY .. but shitty quality off Earache's site)
OK, let me just pick my fucking jaw up from the floor. Sold. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Riff intensive with the drums matching the riffs themselves, and played at mid-tempo level. Vocals are *slightly* too growly and brutal for this music, but fuck, I need to get this album and hear it fully to get the overall effect.
JayKeeley said:
OK, let me just pick my fucking jaw up from the floor. Sold. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Riff intensive with the drums matching the riffs themselves, and played at mid-tempo level.
I believe I can speak for lurch70 and myself with:


Duh! :D
I just listened to the Decapitated track, and I must say, I'm underwhelmed. Maybe I'm just not "old school", but nothing from that track was any different from other bands of their ilk. And the drum sound was horrid. Maybe this is due to the lack of quality of the sample.
Sacred Reich
The Haunted
Down (1st album, sorta)

I'm coming up with mostly less-than-death examples obviously.
Sacred Reich is a great example - American Way is a great album btw. The Haunted is a bit 'modern-thrashy' in that you could also list Slaughter of the Soul, but they don't have that stop-start riffing that I'm after. You know, once the drumming starts, it keeps going at the same tempo throughout the rest of the song (for the most part)...
lurch70 said:
Try this on for size ... the title track of the new one (will only have this up for 24 hours or so ... so get it quick)


Also very good indeed. Between the two though, I like the one from Nihility more. Still, at least you've got me interested in a new band.

Ever heard any Vader? These guys aren't worlds apart.

EDIT: Just read that Piotr from Vader produces these guys!! Or at least he did the debut. Damn, I like these Polacks.
EDIT: Just read that Piotr from Vader produces these guys!! Or at least he did the debut. Damn, I like these Polacks.
I heard some Vader and was always impressed. Never picked up any though, their catalog is too vast. Any good places to start? I like my metal like you ... old school flavor :)
lurch70 said:
I heard some Vader and was always impressed. Never picked up any though, their catalog is too vast. Any good places to start? I like my metal like you ... old school flavor :)
Lots of people think De Profundis is their best, but I honestly think Revelations is better. Oh man, you will devour this album. It's like the Polish gypsy gascamp escapee offspring bastard lovechild from Slayer and Sepultura.

By the way, where the heck can I gets me some Decapitated - Nihility (at a reasonable price)?
I would advise you to try "Saltrubbed Eyes" by Seance. Not sure if that would be exactly what you're looking for but it's worth a try. I put a song up for download.

EDIT: This song is actually faster than most of the stuff on the album. It happens to be my favourite song on the album though so I chose that. Even if it ain't exactly midpaced I hope you'll agree it's a great song.