between the buried and me

cool to see such a positive response for this band. i definitely expected to see more flaming seeing as how they've been labeled as screamo and metalcore. i'm excited to see what they do next.
Selkies is brilliant but i didn't hear anything else on their myspace page that made me want to buy the CD.
So that's why they always tour with crappy bands.
I only own Alaska, and I think it's a very good album. Where should I go from here?

Go buy The Silent Circus. Mordecai is IMHO the greatest fucking BTBAM song ever!!! that song to this day still gives me goosebumps. I know this is a stretch but when i first heard that song all i thought of was Opeth.

It'd be nice to see them get some recognition they deserve and maybe go on tour with Tool or Mastodon. Say what you will about these bands I feel that they cant be categorized and are doing things progressively and would also let BTBAM get some attention.
It would be great is BTBAM got to tour with a good band, instead of typical hardcore acts. Hopefully one day. Although I think I saw them play with Burnt by the Sun which was pretty bad ass.

And Backwards Marathon does rule. I was gonna reccomend that to him as well.
It's a shame that they tour with all the typical core bands because that really turns me off to going to see them live. They're headlining a show close to me at the end of the month that I might go to.

They could easily tour with a lot of other different kinds of bands because their sound is very diverse.
I always thought BTBAM was just another screamo/emo/hardcore band, but then one day I heard that Selkies song and I ended up getting a couple of their albums, good stuff. I don't know why all the emo kids like them. But maybe they think the same about us death metal folk liking Opeth, which is pretty different from say, Suffocation.