Beware of St.Andrew's booking


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008
This is an official appeal from Seventh Wonder to all promotors, club owners and bands that may at any point in time come across a "booking agency", "management" (or whatever these scum bags like to call themselves) that go under the name of
St.Andrew Booking and especially
Roger Bakås

We hate to go to these lengths, but they really fucked us over big time.
As we understand it they have also fucked Illusion Suite ( and other prominent bands in the genre.

We have provided them with every chance to give us what they owe us, and even offered them to divide it over time and pay without interest -but noooo.
That is why we are forced to go to this extreme.

We will press charges and make an official subpoena through the Norwegian police and we will not let this go unnoticed.
We will also strive to make sure that everyone knows what kind of people this is and we really recommend everyone to stay as far away from them as possible.

In fact, if you see him/them -please steal whatever you can from them and send it to us so that we can consider that a down payment at least.

To hell with dishonest fucks who fucking fuck up things for honest people!!!
You're right!

So no fees were paid, and no travel costs were remunerated -no nothing. A real shitty deal and right now we really, really need the money too to get the album out there. Bad timing too, in other words.
People like this should just go to hell. Honestly, DON'T RIP OFF THE GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME. That crosses a major line!! I really hope you guys get paid back in full!

*shoots the finger at St.Andrew Booking/Roger Bakas*
Take these fuckers to the cleaners guys! This sort of bullshit behaviour shouldn't have to be tolerated from anyone.


Like I said on the Illusion Suite forum, it's bad enough that there's little enough money coming from the record companies to get the bands touring, now there's fuckers like these that are pretty much stealing from bands...gah. Pisses me off.
That is a shame guys, if us fans can donate any charity money- from PayPal or something, I would be glad to give you a small donation- maybe us true and loyal fans can help you out! It sounds aweful! :(
A big +1 to all 3 posts above me!

This really is unbefuckinlievable!!
Suggestion: Get this new album up for Pre-order ASAP! I'll put my money down on it right now and maybe that'll help you guys out to get the money you need!
Suggestion: Get this new album up for Pre-order ASAP! I'll put my money down on it right now and maybe that'll help you guys out to get the money you need!

I agree. I don't know how profitable iTunes or CDBaby is for bands on a label, but i would gladly put down money for the album today if i could. You don't have to worry about shipping, booklet artwork, or cd manufacturing in the short-term. Again, i'm sure things are a bit different when you signed to a reasonably large label.
Suggestion: Get this new album up for Pre-order ASAP! I'll put my money down on it right now and maybe that'll help you guys out to get the money you need!


I don't own any of your records (yet!) but I'm really looking forward to your new album and would be glad to help you out!

And btw, hi everyone :)

Forgive me if this post sounds a bit filled with some religious overtones, but it’s all evident after this deplorable and reprehensible act from this nefarious group of people, it has left you hurt and let down in an overwhelming way. Well, take heart my brother, lift your spirits and know that the faithful few have your back and are encouraging you to not seek revenge (definitely you should seek justice), but seek truth that this is only a roadblock and test from a higher power. We know that in a world where bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, it is only the free volition given to us from the highest stage that we have the gift of freewill. I've struggled with this idea for some time, but I believe it is true. Just hear me out- you and your band have been blessed with unfathomable skill and unbelieveable talent. Therefore, we understand your passion of music and your relentless desire to see things through and with patience and understanding reach the acclivity and happiness you, your band, us fans, and your family so deserve. As a past soldier for my country I can definitely commiserate with your frustration. I was in positions of war against terrorism, though inward I have a pacifist heart- it was my duty. While it may be extreme in my case, everything has a purpose and in that sometimes cloudy future so many are hiding and thriving to try and drag down our ambitions, hopes, and dreams to the point of destruction. Yes, evil is a tough fight. Maybe with the unveiling secrets from the Great Escape, the revelation of time, the old versus the new, in everything you have done, believe that this issue will be resolved and in a manner of selflessness become something of the past. With the release of this album all good will come to fruition! It will be great for all ages for the sake of love and a lot of people will be inspired by it. They can take your money and goods, but they ca not take your soul in the music you create and aspire to share! While cursing always lets the demons out (and I’m probably the worst and often times a horrible and unforgiving ex-Navy hypocrite), I remind myself that there is always another way and that faith will overcome the shortcomings and falls along the way. So not to babble on, it is a shame this has happen, but it will only make your heart and mind stronger and will work out in the end. Enough said.
Good thing that you finally came public with this. These sort of bastards should be wiped out! In these things everything is many times based mainly on trust and things like these to happen do make it harder for everybody to act in future.

Keep it cool, took any legal actions that is possible and keep on spreading the word.
i'll track them down, fly over, rob them blind of everything including the clothes off there backs, then dissasemble there houses around them and move them to somewhere for you guys. in exchange for an autographed copy of the new album.

but in all seriousness, how much did they hit for and where can i donate?
I think this thread has turned into somewhat of a charity drive - i'm not quite sure that is what the guys were going for haha. Great to see all the support for the band though; just remember to buy the album when it comes out :)

Forgive me if this post sounds a bit filled with some religious overtones, but it’s all evident after this deplorable and reprehensible act from this nefarious group of people, it has left you hurt and let down in an overwhelming way. Well, take heart my brother, lift your spirits and know that the faithful few have your back and are encouraging you to not seek revenge (definitely you should seek justice), but seek truth that this is only a roadblock and test from a higher power. We know that in a world where bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, it is only the free volition given to us from the highest stage that we have the gift of freewill. I've struggled with this idea for some time, but I believe it is true. Just hear me out- you and your band have been blessed with unfathomable skill and unbelieveable talent. Therefore, we understand your passion of music and your relentless desire to see things through and with patience and understanding reach the acclivity and happiness you, your band, us fans, and your family so deserve. As a past soldier for my country I can definitely commiserate with your frustration. I was in positions of war against terrorism, though inward I have a pacifist heart- it was my duty. While it may be extreme in my case, everything has a purpose and in that sometimes cloudy future so many are hiding and thriving to try and drag down our ambitions, hopes, and dreams to the point of destruction. Yes, evil is a tough fight. Maybe with the unveiling secrets from the Great Escape, the revelation of time, the old versus the new, in everything you have done, believe that this issue will be resolved and in a manner of selflessness become something of the past. With the release of this album all good will come to fruition! It will be great for all ages for the sake of love and a lot of people will be inspired by it. They can take your money and goods, but they ca not take your soul in the music you create and aspire to share! While cursing always lets the demons out (and I’m probably the worst and often times a horrible and unforgiving ex-Navy hypocrite), I remind myself that there is always another way and that faith will overcome the shortcomings and falls along the way. So not to babble on, it is a shame this has happen, but it will only make your heart and mind stronger and will work out in the end. Enough said.

Forgive me for responding as such, but if these guys are stealing from the band, then they need to pay that money back. Discussion/relation of/to a "higher power" is unnecessary and most of your post is vestigial and unneeded (we don't need the part about your past military adventures).

we appreciate the tremendous support you guys show in this thread and through PMs. However, this is not something that will impact the release of TGE. Tomorrow we master it and shortly after I'll get back to y'all with a release date.
We made the post here, as we will do in many other places to inform everybody, and to ask people to spread the word further.
We do not want to take your money from you. Of course it is an outstanding sing of support that you would actually go to such lengths and we are of course very encouraged by it, butwe will manage and we'll get you the album anyway -that's a promise.

So thank you very much everybody for words of encouragement and unwavering support. Very apprciated indeed!