Beyond The Bridge - German Prog Metal featuring singer from Sinbreed

Anything with Herbie Langhans distinctve vocals has got to be good. Pretty good sound clips, now to get the full album.
Anything with Herbie Langhans distinctve vocals has got to be good. Pretty good sound clips, now to get the full album.

The whole album is amazing. Also co lead female vocals from Dilenya Mar. Comes out January 24th in the U.S.! I'm also working on an interview for The Metal Pit webzine! :D
Funny, I was listening to When Worlds Collide (which I love, can't wait to see them!) when you posted. The youtube link doesn't work for me. And when I searched for beyond the bridge I get this:


Skinny red ties is a red flag for me. And the hottie that leads them....I had to laugh, because that was NOT what I was expecting!!!!! Sad part is....I don't hate it. I have issues. I know this.

Oh, and as amazon fanboy that I am....there are samples of all the songs on amazon. Of the correct band. Which I must say is my cup of tea. Sounds like they are going to be telling quite the story, and I'm totally down for this cd when it drops later this month.
Fixed! Thanks!

Glenn, I mentioned to the band to send you a copy of the cd if you haven't already received an advance copy! I think you'll enjoy the hell out of it!

Figured I would "bump" the topic since the new album was just released in Europe. I think these guys would be perfect for an opening slot at ProgPower in the future

Here's some video links. The whole album is on YouTube now.



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I was reading Guitar World online and they had the album streaming and had a really nice article, so I gave them a listen. Awesome music, very contrasting alot of styles mixed together!!! I admit I glanced over this thread when it was first posted, I need to not do that! Recommend!!

I remember hearing this band before they signed with Frontiers back when you could easily stream that album on their website. I liked it quite a bit.

Btw - thanks, Frontiers, for taking away the opportunity to hear a decent slice of the album before paying for it! Good work! *shakes head*