I'm loving the Beyond the Bridge CD - Prog-metal awesomeness!


Guitarist Wannabe
I only bought their CD "The Old Man & The Spirit" a few weeks ago, and listened to it a few times since then.

But I just listened to it twice in a row here at work, with headphones, and it has finally sunk in what a fantastic, brilliant CD they've produced. GOOD STUFF!!!

If you haven't checked them out yet, I highly recommend it. I was completely bummed when Aspera...sorry, Above Symmetry...bailed, but I think Beyond the Bridge is actually better. One of my most-anticipated bands this year!!

Thanks again, Glenn!!

Yep, this is one of the sets that I'm most looking forward to. Bought the CD after the BTB announcement, and it's been in regular rotation in my car ever since!
One of the bands im most looking forward this year!

i remember hearing that they might try to play the whole album. Any one know anything about this?