BFD - How improve it?


Casa Negra
May 15, 2006
Anyplace - World
This is made with BFD, only with its samples.

Mixed using Channel Strip and some TrueVerb.

I know the "performance" is not convicing, but I´m not good in sequencing at all (any tips)

What you guys think of it? How could it be better?

This is the link - mix.mp3 - Right click and save as...

Thanks, and please 006 don´t freak out and start yelling "WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDN´T USE DFHS YOU IDIOT!!!!" - Just kidding...
Jackal_Strain said:
Buy DFHS...

Seriously, Think more about velocity changes and quantizising.

How does velocity and quantizing work in DFHS ? I cannot afford to waste hours making every hit as a real drummer would, you know.

I surrender... DFHS is truly superior.

But how about the overral sound? Does it sound good? I had to boost so much at the high end...

Thanks you norwegian beer drinking black metaller!
The link is expired, upload it to and post the link here.

If you want to know how DFHS sounds, check out the links in my signature to hear solo drums and ask yourself "can BFD even do this in the first place?". The answer is "No." Velocity and quantizing with DFHS is as easy as the host application you are running it with. Cubase SX seems to be the best host to use DFHS with, although others have had great results using anything else with MIDI support. DFHS sounds great, no joke, it's just like BFD...only IMO it has a better sound, more realistic to a raw drumkit just mic'ed. But that's subjective, and moreso an opinion than fact. So let me rephrase: in my opinion, DFHS sounds more realistic.

006, right click and save as... Don´t know why it´s not working the other way...

Bu I use Pro Tools, can ReWire do the trick? Will I have all pieces plus an overhead stereo all separated in various channels? Have anyone noticed any bugs with Pro Tools????
BFD has a humanize feature.....same as DFHS.....with BFD you can control the variation of velocities and how often.
Anyway, just click on the links moon, they will open up a streaming player for you automatically. :)

Camel - all the velocity control in the world couldn't make BFD do what DFHS does in those clips. L/R H/F HITS FTW!!!1!!!1!1!!

cameltoe said:
BFD has a humanize feature.....same as DFHS.....with BFD you can control the variation of velocities and how often.

I´m new to BFD but I tried some humanizing features and I felt I just sounded like a bad drummer, not human. I think what needs more human feels are the rolls and the hihat.

Cameltoe do you have any BFD samples so I can listen to what you´re talking about?
006 said:
Anyway, just click on the links moon, they will open up a streaming player for you automatically. :)

Camel - all the velocity control in the world couldn't make BFD do what DFHS does in those clips. L/R H/F HITS FTW!!!1!!!1!1!!


Sounds great actually, those tunes of yours. Are there indviduals outputs for all pieces in DFHS? To use with ReWire, so I can mix it like a real kit.

I´m remaking that file from the begining of this thread, soon I´ll post it.

My only fear, 006, is regarding Pro Tools, ReWire, all that shit, I admit DFHS sounds better, but it must run smoothly, otherwise it´s useless...

Thanks for all the feedback you DFHS nazi.
theblackmoon said:
How does velocity and quantizing work in DFHS ? I cannot afford to waste hours making every hit as a real drummer would, you know.

I surrender... DFHS is truly superior.

But how about the overral sound? Does it sound good? I had to boost so much at the high end...
The MORE time you spend with your programming..... the more 'real' is will sound. Sometimes I spend a whole day nudging and adjusting velocities, on one tune. We don't look at it as wasting time.
It's just a matter of "Do you want your drums to sound real? Or not."

Is it just me or is it when people try to make fast Metal tunes on bfd it sounds like old -Mortician_ tunes:lol:

Cameltoe, I can't get your tunes to play on my Mac. You have those anywhere else?

Here's a D.F.H.S. tune we're working on -"KILL THEM ALL". :kickass:
It runs perfeclty fine in PT, and yes you can set it up to run as if you had an actual kit mic'ed up.

Every single one of those clips, camel, sounds like a drum machine. The reason? No left and right hand/foot hits. It's painfully obvious that's not a real drummer. I'll get those MIDI files for ya in a bit.

Kenny Lee said:
Here's a D.F.H.S. tune we're working on -"KILL THEM ALL". :kickass:

Dawn, Kenny:erk: ... I say it with the utmost respect:
The song is interesting but the sound is smashed beyond belief. I mean, it's sounds like poop. Even Mendel doesn't squash his music as much. Please...:worship: Give it some room.
006 said:
Every single one of those clips, camel, sounds like a drum machine. The reason? No left and right hand/foot hits. It's painfully obvious that's not a real drummer. I'll get those MIDI files for ya in a bit.


I second that.

Camel: No offense, but especially that first BFD clip sounds terrible. The tom rolls sounded more like farts than real tom breaks to me ...

006: My problem with DFHS is the way the toms sound. Maybe my EQ-skills are simply not up to par, but to me they lack a lot of impact and "boom".