BFD - How improve it?

Yep, that's all in the processing bro. The toms in DFHS are exactly like the raw product you get when you mic up a real tom at a studio. You have to go in and eq it and compress it after the fact to get what you want out of it. I had a thought a while back about how drums really sound before you ever process them. They sound like ass. If you really think about it, drums sound horrible before you do any processing. Some drums take more work than others, but you still gotta put a little elbow grease into it no matter what. Just play around with different approaches and I'm sure you'll find a better tom sound that you are happy with. One quick fix is if you have the Waves bundle that includes the MaxxBass plug-in, or the Rennaissance BassComp...both will add a nice smooth low-end that's consistent. The rest is just eq'ing to get the attack (the "clicky" portion) and you should have a killer metal tom.

~BURNY~ said:
Dawn, Kenny:erk: ... I say it with the utmost respect:
The song is interesting but the sound is smashed beyond belief. I mean, it's sounds like poop. Even Mendel doesn't squash his music as much. Please...:notworthy Give it some room.
Hahahha....:zombie: yeah, got quite carried away with this one. But, it's not done and the low end is horror on small speakers. By the first week in June all will be in place:goggly:


Here Burny--->>Less squashy :):goggly::p
well is there any unwritten convention, adding velocity to drumtracks? I mean does anybody know of a research how drummers usualy pronounce hits in a fill or may I say simple that the right hand always hits a bit stronger?!?

I tried that random velocity thing, moving the mouse randomly through the velocity window in cubase, but that can´t be the real thing ;)
006 said:
Every single one of those clips, camel, sounds like a drum machine. The reason? No left and right hand/foot hits. It's painfully obvious that's not a real drummer. I'll get those MIDI files for ya in a bit.


well i don't use left and right hand/foot hits in dfhs, unless i'm being a tool and it switches between them automatically, and you've told me before that my drums sound pretty realistic.