Biff´s health

Now call me cynical, but I'm sure Biff got over his sniffles loooongggg ago. I don't believe for a minute the UK/Ireland part of the tour was postponed due to Biff being ill. Yep, I'm still really annoyed at paying £104 in flight tickets to see them in Belfast :Shedevil:
Now call me cynical, but I'm sure Biff got over his sniffles loooongggg ago. I don't believe for a minute the UK/Ireland part of the tour was postponed due to Biff being ill. Yep, I'm still really annoyed at paying £104 in flight tickets to see them in Belfast :Shedevil:

It sucks losing money,especially when you've planned so far in advance.I've lost plenty also,unfortunately this is expected.The Biff excuse was needed,they can't use the visa one over there.I'm sorry we couldn't meet in Berlin,hopefully there will be a next time.
I don't believe for a minute the UK/Ireland part of the tour was postponed due to Biff being ill.

Yup, i guess from past experience most of us think the same. Sucks big time when you lose non refundable flights etc.

Off to Amsterdam at weekend, will be interesting to see how Biff does ;-)
It sucks losing money,especially when you've planned so far in advance.I've lost plenty also,unfortunately this is expected.The Biff excuse was needed,they can't use the visa one over there.I'm sorry we couldn't meet in Berlin,hopefully there will be a next time.

I know - and this isn't the first time (or probably the last! :Smug: ) that we've lost money over Saxon cancelling gigs! :Shedevil: We're all just normal people who have to go to work for our money, and I begrudge the way they don't seem to think of that. They are where they are today because of the fans - full stop.

I agree, it is a shame we won't get to meet in Berlin, but like you say, hopefully there will be another time :)
I love Saxon, but hoenstly, I'm getting tired of their bullshit. Maybe it isn't biffs fault that the stinkin' band can't get one tour right without fucking something up, disappointing hundreds of fans, fans loosing money over non refundable tickets, going out of our way to see a band that can't even put us first anymore.

Especially as an American, I don't even invision, or talk about seeing Saxon anymore, because I'm really starting to think it's not going to happen.

however, I think it is Biffs fault that he hasn't pressured his shitty management to arrange a tour, or at least makeup for all the shows that havent happened. Coming out with an album, radio interviews, and a monotone letter on a newly updated website doesn't appease anymore.
I love Saxon, but hoenstly, I'm getting tired of their bullshit. Maybe it isn't biffs fault that the stinkin' band can't get one tour right without fucking something up, disappointing hundreds of fans, fans loosing money over non refundable tickets, going out of our way to see a band that can't even put us first anymore.

Especially as an American, I don't even invision, or talk about seeing Saxon anymore, because I'm really starting to think it's not going to happen.

however, I think it is Biffs fault that he hasn't pressured his shitty management to arrange a tour, or at least makeup for all the shows that havent happened. Coming out with an album, radio interviews, and a monotone letter on a newly updated website doesn't appease anymore.

tb fair mate theyve rescheduled this one instantly
Hey Biff are you better yet, first gig of the tour tommorow!!!???

fucking the astoria gig should have been TONIGHT

at this time saxon would have been walking onto the stage and blasting through 2.5 hours of metal.

having said that, when i wake up tommorow, i wont be saying to myself 'oh no its all over, another year and half til they play again'
When I listen to his voice, I can hear he is recovering from his throath disease, he spares his voice he doesnt do screaming etc.. really he was ill, I believe him.. truely.
i think better thourght and planning should have gone into the tour
To tour europe and the uk during march april and may is always going to be risky due to the unpredictabillity of the weather ( hot venues cold night air air conditioned travel it really is a recipe for disaster
also to announce a tour well ahead of the album release is crazy .. us brits would have had no time at all to familiarize ourselves with the new songs , i know touring is to promote the album but i will bet anyone going to see saxon will have got the new album anyway, i think this is just bad planning
maybe biff was poorly, maybe not who knows but i hope that the management start to take note of the mistakes that they are making because people losing hard earned cash on wasted trips to belfast, dublin, manchester etc will become noticable by there absence on subsciquent tours
perhaps if the management (who i know read these forums ) were to compensate fans who lost out , im not talking money here ,but signed tshirts ,drumsticks plectrums etc then the monitary loss wouldnt be so hard to swallow
SAXON have never been a business ( just 5 hard working guys playing solid no hold barred metal) but the management of the band is undermining all the hard work that saxon have put in
once again thourghts go out to the lads and lasses that have lost money , i know its not life and death , but to put it in context £104 in lost plane fares pays for the new album,tour shirt and tickets to every date in the uk on this tour
tb fair mate theyve rescheduled this one instantly

US tour has been cancelled I think three times and no word of a new one. So maybe lucky for you guys on the other side, but no cigar over here.
give me £104 so i can forward it on to sammi and paxo
or the 300 euros i lost when they cancelled the last tour
if you cant make a valid point , shut the fuck up
if you think its fine to announce a tour wait 3 months and cancel it 9 days before it starts then i suggest you go see msg
people on here have lost serious money, i think if the boot was on the other foot you would be a bit pissed about it too
we are talking about hard core fans here, fans that have followed the band during the sticky times, dont you think they deserve better, my comments were to the management of saxon, i GOT OVER THE LOSS OF 300 euros and put it down to one of those things , but this canceling gigs is becoming as common as hearing wheels of steel in concert , how many gigs have saxon cancelled in the last 4 years ? usa tour visa probs,uk tour house fire,south american tour recording obligations,uk tour health problems , enough said
i think the management should make compensation to those who have lost out any comments on that will be appreciated , been told to fucking get over it is not appreciated or warrented
Biff looks perfectly healthy on the new podcast & seeing the GLOCKMIESTER back on the sticks is a moment of true awesomeness. (THE BEST FOOKIN DRUMMER IN BRITAIN & MAYBE EVEN THE WORLD).
& as far as the management are concerned- they are fuckin German for god sake!!!!!!!! schnell - rouse-rouse.
Now SAXON are back to a certain level of popularity they should get back to being based in & looked after in good old blighty.
The fuckin road crew are German too.