BIG ass monitor


Remember Me
Apr 2, 2010
Chihuahua, Mexico
sup amigos...

i need an advice on a new monitor, know nothing about 740p, 1080p or LCDs or Plasmas, just want a big monitor for my studio (PT) that will have a nice resolution

looking for something either 30" or 32". I currently own a 19" widescreen

there's some good deals ($400) at Cotsco for a 32" Phillips or a Sony

Any recommendations?
They have Cosco in Mexico ... Awesome!

Honestly just look for something with a low refresh rate and you cant go wrong, 2ms or less! Your PC really wont take much advantage of anything over 720p unless you are playing a Blu-ray on it.
Go for something that's 1080. It will have more pixels and therefore you can fit more stuff on the screen and it will look sharp! You'll want to avoid plasma TVs since they're more prone to burn-in, which would be a big problem when used as a computer monitor, but most plasmas are probably too big anyways (40" and up).
Pixels has nothing to do with fitting stuff on the screen the size of the screen has to do with how much you can fit on it.
Also they make plasmas under 40"

But do go for LCD they have a longer life, 720-1080 and ull be fine, I have both and dont notice much of a difference as far as clarity.
nah...i just use it for Pro Tools and that's it. Looooooooooong editing sessions too.

haha...yeah we do have Costco, but i always order everything i need from the US. And it's shipped to my dads in Texas.

HAHA .. thats awesome!

1080p isnt going to give you more pixels then a 720p, resolution is resolution dude. Thats a myth. PC's cant get high enough resolutions to support 1080p yet.

Max resolution on the highest cards currently equates to about 940p which is pointless as nothing supports it technically

Just worry about the refresh rate and how it LOOKS on screen and you will be fine.
Pixels has nothing to do with fitting stuff on the screen the size of the screen has to do with how much you can fit on it.

The resolution has everything to do with how much stuff you can fit on the screen. Try it for your self, set your monitor to a low resolution like say 800*600. It will stretch to fit on your monitor but everything will now be bigger therefore taking up a larger ratio of the screen thus you can fit less stuff.

IMO using anything other than dedicated PC monitors, ie LCD TV or Plasma screen, look shit because the resolution is so low. I've had this augment with people and they swear they can't see the difference but I can. When we brought more peaple in to do side by side comparison it seems as though most peaple who can tell the differnce are long sighted.
What he means is what I said about 1080 vs 720 makes no difference as to how much fits on the screen. Its all about the native resolution of the monitor. He just mis worded it.

The amount of "scan lines" has nothing to do with resolution.
this guy right here man:|79|2341&N=4001374%204294899203%205000014&Sp=C&No=2&Mo=5&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&topnav=

oh...and i never told you but remember my thread a while back about AC/Central Station?? I got the AC and boy!! i love it! it's so comfortable now.
A big LOL at the bullshit in this thread...

I am on 2048x1152 now and it IS real 2048x1152.

And yes i can definitely fit more on my screen while using Reaper or Metatrader4.
He wasnt talking RESOLUTION! He was talking SCANLINES theres a difference!

BIGGER RESOLUTION means more shit on screen....

720 SCANLINES vs 1080 SCANLINES can both still display 2048x1152 .... Do your homework.

The difference in SCANLINES depends on weather its INTERLACED or PROGRESSIVE ....

1080p is better then 1080i cause in 1080p you get half the amount of scanlines.

NONE of that has anything to do with the amount of pixels on your screen which is RESOLUTION!