BIG ass monitor

i want to edit in a BIG screen, i hate having to be 6 inches close to the monitor to see what im doing!
even if i have dual 20's per say, it would be the same thing. I'd like to see everything a whole lot bigger and clear. I just wanna be able to see everything clear at a distance of 3ft.
Refresh rate refers to how quickly you monitor or TV draws the screen from top to bottom. The shorter the refresh rate the less you get the "motion blur" effect.

Best way to explain it is for you to see it yourself. Go to a local TV shop and watch the video on the monitors, when there is fast action happening on the screen notice some TVs get more "blurry" or "murky" looking then others, they have refresh rates that are not as fast as others :)

Honestly you cant really visually notice the difference till it becomes more then 5ms or so between the 2 different TV / Monitors

great info and the timing couldnt be greater thanks for the OP for this thread and thanks guitarguru for the info!!
No problem ....


TV's normally run in the 8 to 20ms range

PC Monitors run 1 - 12

PC monitors are better for PC work, as the refresh times are better, I never recommend TV's for PC stuff, but if someone is adamant about it I can point them in the right direction as to what to look for to get the best quality picture.

As I stated earlier the Asus is a mighty beast and looks MUCH MUCH better then my TV in my house thats almost twice the size
i want to edit in a BIG screen, i hate having to be 6 inches close to the monitor to see what im doing!
even if i have dual 20's per say, it would be the same thing. I'd like to see everything a whole lot bigger and clear. I just wanna be able to see everything clear at a distance of 3ft.

I use duals at work. In a lot of ways it's way better than a big screen. A bit of a pain if you use Pro Tools. There's an app called Skooch (I think?) that supposed to help. Duals are cool if you like to have a mixer and editor window open at the same time.
i want to edit in a BIG screen, i hate having to be 6 inches close to the monitor to see what im doing!
even if i have dual 20's per say, it would be the same thing. I'd like to see everything a whole lot bigger and clear. I just wanna be able to see everything clear at a distance of 3ft.

with computer monitors, a bigger size does not mean a longer viewing distance. With computer monitors the larger one are larger because they have more work space. If you want a bigger image, then you should get an HDTV. Realize though that if you do get a TV, that you will loose work space.

As I have summed up before, it comes down to what you want, a larger work space, or the image to be larger (blown up) at the cost of sacrificing some work space.
Does PT not have a zoom feature ?

It does, but it uses modal windows so dual screen is a pain. If you extend the parent window across two monitors you can't just full-screen a child form on one monitor because it wants to fit to the parent. You have to manually size each child to however you want it to fit.
a larger work space, or the image to be larger (blown up) at the cost of sacrificing some work space.


but workspace is not mi issue, i want to see everything bigger. without zooming or zooming my face to the monitor! haha

the monitor i have now, it's 19" widescreen and i have it set to something like 1024 x 800. because if i do the highest it can take which is like 1400 x 900 everything just becomes tiny
yes...lots of workspace that way but no!, that doesn't do it for me.
What matters to me is size...(dang!! that's so gay):lol: haha = bigger image in other words
32"lcd IMO.
editting on a big screen without having to zoom is amazing
and you don't strain ever to see shit.
It's good.

Dual screen it and rock the mixer on whatever screen you have now.

Try and use one first.
Then you will know how awesome and comfortable it is.