Big, big, HUGE life changes (story content.)


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
Yesterday/Last night was fucking epic. Had a kick ass day with the band meeting everyone and getting our professional photography done (and hiking like a motherfucker/watching Chuck almost puke LOL) at Minnehaha Falls. Ended up being borrowed a NICE USA Dean Razorback with EMGs to do band stuff with (thanks a LOT by the way, Chuck! \m/,) and when I got home a WHOLE bunch of personal shit happened ending up in me staying up until a good 6 in the morning dealing with all of it/helping the ones I love that were affected by varying personal life threatening problems out. With the band, everything is going COMPLETELY to plan.. Everyone clicks amazingly together, and we're going to be practicing 3-5 nights a week, and busting our ASSES off. HUGE, HUGE things are in store for us.. And we have some HUGE plans in the works, ontop of releasing our new CD. Ontop of that, my parents and I will most likely be losing the apartment due to some very unforeseen turning of events (mom got a DUI, fees associated are going to break us.. Parents live from check to check, and hardly make it by doing that,) so I don't know what's going to stem from that... Now, I'm left with a choice between the band, and a recent (VERY HIGH PAYING) job offer from my Uncle Joe, working on boats up north in Minnesota, to help pay for these unfortunate times, and hopefully 'save' my family. Reason why I have to choose? I'll be leaving home for 3-4 days at a time, and it's going to suck up a LOT of my personal life, which will definitely put a hamper in/end to band efforts. The first time in my life, I get an opportunity to chase my dreams with full and justified reason.. And shit gets thrown at me. I'm not bitching, but I will say I truly understand now what everybody means when they go on about 'serious life choices.' I'm going to be doing a LOT of fucking thinking. Mind = Blown.

What should I do, guise?
Are these the same parents that wouldnt let you stay with them when you were homeless?

Y-yeah.. :\

I can't help but love them and loathe the fact that they're in a shitty position, though. They're my parents. 1/2 the people I ask are saying go for the band, the other 1/2 are telling me to go for the job.. FFFUUU-
Do what your gut tells you. Is the job long term, as in will you have it for years? Is it the kind of job you truly want to do and won;t make up miserable over? Is the band that good that if you take the job are you going to end up resenting your parents??
Boat, it will give you a new perspective on things, and whether you hate it or not, it will be an enlightening experience for sure. I chose music over a couple of really badass opportunities in my life, and now I want to be an hero because of it. Playing music is fun, but money is good, and stability is great. You can always quit.
Look at it this way- If you take the job, you can help bring the family back up to par, and put a little cash to the side and save up for some really sweet gear, and put another little bit to the side, and call that the "in case shit fund", so incase you lose your place again and are stuck on the streets you dont have to sell any of the new gear, youll have a bit of a back up plan. I come from a single parent house and my mother is also disabled, I've been working since i was 14. Trust me when i say i know how shitty choices like this can be. I have ALWAYS chose the work route, not by choice, but because it just seemed to make more sense in the long run. And looking back, I feel I made all the right decisions. I'm in a better position now than almost all my friends. I have a better value of a buck. And overall im just happy with my decisions. There is nothing worse then going to do something and then getting bummed out becuase you realize you dont have any funds to do it with. The choice is yours either way. But IMO i'd take the job for now.
Thanks, guys! I'm kind of hoping to be able to lean towards the whole being able to do both, route.. I know with time constraints and scheduling/planning, it's probably not going to be possible. And I also know for a fact that I am NOT going to let my fucking self go homeless, again. Though, I'd love to chase my dreams with this band, I do infact need a stable base of income in order to, well, live. I'm in a helluva mind-pickle, and I'm definitely gonna have to go with my gut on this one/have some time to think about this.
your rents couldnt give you a place to stay while you were homeless and now its down to you to help them out of their shit?
i call shenanigans dude. fuck em.
and anyway, you only live once, chase your dreams before you get old and realise you wasted your chance.

people always go on about how they intend to start LIVING, and it never happens. we're all guilty of it to some degree, but life always throws you chances, it's down to you which road to take.
and anyway, life's shit on you as of late, so it's about time things went YOUR way for a while. selfish? maybe, but isn't it about time?
Im Noob round here so don't wanna pass comment when I don't know ya, but first off. Holy Shit can you play!!!!!!! :yow:just checked out the youtube clips.

If you can do both that really is the answer. If your in a band full time, you need money coming in, cos its an expensive hobby. The job keeps you ( and your family ) afloat, and you work the band around that.

Until you have a regular income from music ( enough to live on ) the job really is a bonus...

just to reiterate, that is some heroic arpeggio work man!!!!!
your rents couldnt give you a place to stay while you were homeless and now its down to you to help them out of their shit?
i call shenanigans dude. fuck em.
and anyway, you only live once, chase your dreams before you get old and realise you wasted your chance.

I'd say band. If you're parents wouldn't help you, why help them?

And, tbh, it seems like it's their own fault.