Big, big, HUGE life changes (story content.)

Your guitar skills are very notable, and depending on the music/image of your band, yall could be good. I'd say band. Fuck consistency.
"Brick walls are there for a reason ... to show us how badly we want something, they are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough." -Randy Paush

No one can decide this for you.


i also detect a bit of your flair for the dramatic at play here Jesse.
So in a nutshell you were homeless and your parents didn't help you out, then your mom scored a DUI and now it's somehow your responsibility to save their asses? Does not compute.

I'd say go for the job and try to figure out a way to find time for the band, too. Not for your parents, but for yourself.
I agree with Jarkko... If your mum can spare cash for alcohol then she can't be TOO hard up about cash. I mean if she/they really took responsibility for their own situation, they'd cut that shit out and make an actual effort to sort their lives out.
There is NO excuse for a DUI, it's irresponsible, dangerous and entirely her decision. SHE made her bed, now she's gotta lie in it.

THAT SAID, take the job, but as most people have said, take it for yourself and not to bail their asses out cause otherwise they will never learn.

Also, and this is entirely what I would do if I was in your situation... I don't know you or your life (I avoid such personal threads wherever possible but this struck a chord (pun intended) with me. Feel free to disregard any of this...

I would take this opportunity to turn my ENTIRE life around, not just a bit at a time but everything. Take everything that I would class as negative about my life, how I am perceived and do something about it instead of waiting for shit to happen then bitching about it. You have the chance to stand on your own two feet (Your parents made their decisions, they have to live with them) and make your own life stable. This should come before ANY "Obtaining dreams" because otherwise, if you enter into a VERY FICKLE industry with zero backup plan/support you will, directly or indirectly make the same mistakes your parents made.

Also, I'm sorry but grow the fuck up... The smoking avatar does nothing in helping people appreciate your situation or take you seriously. If you want to turn your life around, stop wasting time/money on unproductive shit such as pot and focus ALL your attention on making positive things happen. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who has no money and his life is in the toilet when he publicly flaunts that he has money for narcotics.
fuck the rents, they didn't help you when you were in need. Do whats good for yourself first before you help others. My recommendation, go for the job, they are hard to come by especially the stable well playing ones. Make yourself happy and do what you want, I personally would take the job but still find a way to make the band work, if there is a will there is a way and as long as you get at least one day a week to your band then it can work, it will just move slower.

You only live once, do what feels right to you!
I agree with Jarkko... If your mum can spare cash for alcohol then she can't be TOO hard up about cash. I mean if she/they really took responsibility for their own situation, they'd cut that shit out and make an actual effort to sort their lives out.
There is NO excuse for a DUI, it's irresponsible, dangerous and entirely her decision. SHE made her bed, now she's gotta lie in it.

THAT SAID, take the job, but as most people have said, take it for yourself and not to bail their asses out cause otherwise they will never learn.

Also, and this is entirely what I would do if I was in your situation... I don't know you or your life (I avoid such personal threads wherever possible but this struck a chord (pun intended) with me. Feel free to disregard any of this...

I would take this opportunity to turn my ENTIRE life around, not just a bit at a time but everything. Take everything that I would class as negative about my life, how I am perceived and do something about it instead of waiting for shit to happen then bitching about it. You have the chance to stand on your own two feet (Your parents made their decisions, they have to live with them) and make your own life stable. This should come before ANY "Obtaining dreams" because otherwise, if you enter into a VERY FICKLE industry with zero backup plan/support you will, directly or indirectly make the same mistakes your parents made.

Also, I'm sorry but grow the fuck up... The smoking avatar does nothing in helping people appreciate your situation or take you seriously. If you want to turn your life around, stop wasting time/money on unproductive shit such as pot and focus ALL your attention on making positive things happen. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who has no money and his life is in the toilet when he publicly flaunts that he has money for narcotics.

I agree with Jarkko... If your mum can spare cash for alcohol then she can't be TOO hard up about cash. I mean if she/they really took responsibility for their own situation, they'd cut that shit out and make an actual effort to sort their lives out.
There is NO excuse for a DUI, it's irresponsible, dangerous and entirely her decision. SHE made her bed, now she's gotta lie in it.

THAT SAID, take the job, but as most people have said, take it for yourself and not to bail their asses out cause otherwise they will never learn.

Also, and this is entirely what I would do if I was in your situation... I don't know you or your life (I avoid such personal threads wherever possible but this struck a chord (pun intended) with me. Feel free to disregard any of this...

I would take this opportunity to turn my ENTIRE life around, not just a bit at a time but everything. Take everything that I would class as negative about my life, how I am perceived and do something about it instead of waiting for shit to happen then bitching about it. You have the chance to stand on your own two feet (Your parents made their decisions, they have to live with them) and make your own life stable. This should come before ANY "Obtaining dreams" because otherwise, if you enter into a VERY FICKLE industry with zero backup plan/support you will, directly or indirectly make the same mistakes your parents made.

Also, I'm sorry but grow the fuck up... The smoking avatar does nothing in helping people appreciate your situation or take you seriously. If you want to turn your life around, stop wasting time/money on unproductive shit such as pot and focus ALL your attention on making positive things happen. It's hard to feel sorry for someone who has no money and his life is in the toilet when he publicly flaunts that he has money for narcotics.

Appreciate the words, man. But like I said in the OP, I'm not bitching.. Just looking for some outside opinions and perspectives, to collectively gather up and consider. And no, she/we can't spare cash for alcohol.. We're as poor as-can-fucking-be. She has alcoholism, she's completely addicted and has been for as long as I can remember (NO EXCUSE!!!!) Last time I observed this shit happening, she was taking food/necessity money for the month and using that to spend on alcohol. To be completely fucking honest, I'm absolutely sick and fucking tired of it, and onboard with the fact that she's going to have to grow the fuck up already, and stop playing these childish drink/cry/wahwah feel sorry for me fucking games. I keep telling my Dad over and OVER and OVER, not to conform to her bullshit, and DO NOT post her bail.. So that she can realize how gigantic of a fucking twat she's being, and start to pull HER pieces together. The bitch hasn't had a job in 6 years, she does NOTHING productive to the families situation, besides typical Mom stuff (dishes, simple little chores that can be done in a matter of minutes by any of us, and are.) And yet has the balls to bitch about not having enough money to support her disease, when she absolutely refuses to work, using arthritus as an excuse? Absolute horseshit, and I believe karma is well at work with this one. The unfortunate part about this is the pure fact that me and my Dad all I have to suffer due to her fuckups. I'm 9/10 on the way to feeling I have no choice but to take the job, so that we don't have to move/sell my childhood cat that I grew up with just to pay rent for the month. <- Basically the only two reasons I want to 'help them out' in the first place. Yes, I was homeless, and this is the only option I have as far as a place to live at the moment, so I'm almost forced to help out in one way or another. Plus, I really don't want to see my cat go.....

FTR, I haven't bought a bag of weed in a good 2 months or so, I've had almost zero interest in doing so, realizing I have WAY more important things to spend whatever little money I obtain on. It'd be nice, sure, but now isn't the time to be wasting money on pleasures/bonuses. Chill out, it's just a picture I use of myself, that I haven't bothered changing in a good while. I understand you saying that you have no idea who I am, and what my life is about, and everything.. But damn, dude. Don't be so hostile. Just a picture. Also, I don't want/expect/or need pity (referring to the expecting people to feel sorry for me statement,) pity is fuel for the weak.


i also detect a bit of your flair for the dramatic at play here Jesse.

Not at all, Murph. Totally over that shit/state of mind I was in. Like I said before, just looking for some perspectives and opinions so I can think of this situation in different ways, determining my decision a little bit.

Your guitar skills are very notable, and depending on the music/image of your band, yall could be good. I'd say band. Fuck consistency.
Im Noob round here so don't wanna pass comment when I don't know ya, but first off. Holy Shit can you play!!!!!!! :yow:just checked out the youtube clips.

If you can do both that really is the answer. If your in a band full time, you need money coming in, cos its an expensive hobby. The job keeps you ( and your family ) afloat, and you work the band around that.

Until you have a regular income from music ( enough to live on ) the job really is a bonus...

just to reiterate, that is some heroic arpeggio work man!!!!!

Thanks a hell of a lot, guys! Means alot, it really does! But you're absolutely right, I do need the job to support the almost HABIT/hobby of the band.. Chuck's been offering to pay for everything, though I know he has 2 kids and he can't afford it at all. Nobody else is helping him out, and I really, really want to, when I can afford to.

Right now, being able to balance both, with proper time allotment given to both, would be completely ideal. That's my goal. That's what I'm going to shoot for, and that's what I'll hopefully achieve. If I can't? I'm going to go with the job, because I have to stop putting other things/people before my own financial stability.
just read the whole thing to see if I spotted the word Alisson anywhere... you got lucky for now bitch


That bitch is far and beyond me, and has been for months. Blocked her number and haven't even MUMBLED or thought the word since! I wouldn't give that useless cunt the time of day to occupy one MILLISECOND of my thoughts. Oh, and, she's in jail, under thousands of dollars in debt, and her whole family completely abandoned her, now. Looks like she's never going to amount to anything other than being a cheap Vegas brothel hooker. :muahaha:
In 2007 I took a job and moved back to NC from GA... My old band is now in talks with 3 or 4 independent labels and will be a full on touring act now...


I Say Band.

Care to name the band?
I guess you probably know anyway that being a touring act doesn't mean shit apart from basically being poor while not on tour? Now if things ever start to work out for a band that's a different story...