Big Give-Away with Signed Pics


Feb 28, 2006
Hi all, didn't know where to post this best, so I just did it here.

We have a big Give-Away with signed Pics of DT on our site. So far not many people signed up to win and it would be a waist to put those pics in the box.

Just click on the Link and select what you are interessed in and then write an email to the address listed on Top of the site including your address.
Good Luck!


macces said:
Hi all, didn't know where to post this best, so I just did it here.

We have a big Give-Away with signed Pics of DT on our site. So far not many people signed up to win and it would be a waist to put those pics in the box.

Just click on the Link and select what you are interessed in and then write an email to the address listed on Top of the site including your address.
Good Luck!



Thanx, but which adress? My email or the one of where I live?

Can I choose more than 1 pic?

Meaning can I choose one from DT, one from BG and one from COB?
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Thanx, but which adress? My email or the one of where I live?

Can I choose more than 1 pic?

Meaning can I choose one from DT, one from BG and one from COB?

Sure, you can selecte a couple if you like. Well, your homeaddress, we got to get it to you somehow and mail is the best way I think.
Yeah I was wondering what happened with this, macces said the winners would be chosen in 2 or 3 weeks, and that was 3 weeks ago, so I guess we should know soon who are the winners. I'm crossing my toes :) !