DeadlyEmbrace/Death Angel/Chuck Billy Give-Away!.....TOTT Signed Posters!

Deadly Embrace said:
Testament Board Winners:

Dead Lioness
Val's not on the TOTT Poster Winner List. :erk: Er, Shouldnt she be?

Deadly Embrace said:
Their my Girls..........along with Val, HemiGTX........oh & add Dead Lioness to my list............:Spin: ...
OMG, DE's the friggin Sultan of Brunai with his harem of metal maidens....

Oh Jeez......

Oh, DE I'm planning on stealing MetalMaiden away from you!!! :muahaha: Muahahaha!
hiddenlegions said:
haha, I havn't heard that word in a while, "you're bussssted !" :tickled:

and yes Officer , that's a cool Walken avatar :cool:
I love that word 'Buusted'

HL...Throwin you reps for callin the Walken Avatar Cool!
OfficerNice said:
OMG, DE's the friggin Sultan of Brunai with his harem of metal maidens....

Oh Jeez......

Oh, DE I'm planning on stealing MetalMaiden away from you!!! :muahaha: Muahahaha!
She's the only one that I loan may barrow her, but when you bring her back, just make sure shes showered & has brushed her teeth!........:grin:
OfficerNice said:
Oh, ok. I'll have to throw Pyrus some reps. Thanks!

When you praise the Walken Avatar, you get mad reps....

ON... Christopher Walken is one of my fave actors, next to Gary Oldman. He was awesome in "King Of New York."

Chromatose on the Nevermore board brilliantly pointed out that Peter Tatgren of Hypocrisy is a spitting image of Mr. Walken!
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Reactions: Officer Nice
Testament Legions said:
ON... Christopher Walken is one of my fave actors, next to Gary Oldman. He was awesome in "King Of New York."

Chromotose on the Nevermore board brilliantly pointed out that Peter Tatgren of Hypocrisy is a spitting image of Mr. Walken!

TL....throwing MAD REPS your way too! \m/
Deadly Embrace said:
She's the only one that I loan may barrow her, but when you bring her back, just make sure shes showered & has brushed her teeth!........:grin:
LOAN OUT? :lol: Come Again? :u-huh:
borrow? :rolleyes:

loan her out? like a possession? Er....

I'm afraid you don't understand DE.
I'm stealing her from you.
I'm proclaiming my fight for the fair metalmaiden, so she could be
a metal princess and not just a maiden in your harem of so many.
Oh, since DL is staying at your castle, you might as well get her
to clean the place up. Your castle is a filthy mess :grin:

Metalmaiden is going to ride off into the sunset with OfficerNice.