I just go back to this and think of how sad of a human being this person is. Dude should be glad I'm forgiving of ignorance, my wife isn't and she wants to cut his balls off and serve them to him for lunch. She got pissed at me because I didn't initially say something back to him... but what's next, Billy photoshopping my pics?
Please do, so my attorney can collect every fucking last cent that you have and then I will make sure that you are working at a gay male strip club to pay off the remaining balance. I'm sure one of his butt plugging stooges is reading this and will go report to him.
So, come on down to Houston, chief. You're a rock star with plenty of albums under your fat ass waist, you should be able to afford the gas. Knock on my door, self-defense is easy to convince around here. I've got a bat that is just waiting to connect with your face. Right after I smash your nads to oblivion to insure that you can't reproduce and add to the idiot quotient.